>From my own experience, monitoring etcd is one way to do it, but requires
an extra component (the monitor) to be always up and running.
This monitor must have cluster roles, since it need to watch both project
and app (bc/dc) objects.

The other way is to provide your users with templates containing all stuff
they will need.

*Mateus Caruccio*
Master of Puppets
+55 (51) 8298.0026

*mateus.caruc...@getupcloud.com <diogo.goe...@getupcloud.com>twitter:
@MateusCaruccio <https://twitter.com/MateusCaruccio>*
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On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 1:21 PM, David Strejc <david.str...@gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> what is the best practise to trigger actions when I am creating
> application?
> Let's say I want to create database (as I am using external database
> cluster) and glusterfs volume for my application.
> Which approach should I look at? Should I make docker conteiner to ssh
> somewhere and let it trigger some scripts?
> Or is there any other way? Shoudl I somehow monitor etcd for app creation
> (as it was with activemq messages in Open Shift v2)?
> Thank you.
> David Strejc
> t: +420734270131
> e: david.str...@gmail.com
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