I've tried to append :

# oc secrets add serviceaccount/default secrets/hub.docker.io --pull
# oc secrets add serviceaccount/default secrets/hub.docker.io --for=pull
# oc secrets add serviceaccount/default secrets/hub.docker.io
# oc secrets add serviceaccount/deployer secrets/hub.docker.io

I've always :

# oc import-image api
The import completed successfully.

Name:            api
Created:        3 hours ago
Labels:            <none>
Docker Pull Spec:

Tag    Spec    Created        PullSpec    Image
latest    api    3 hours ago            import failed: you may not have
access to the Docker image "api"

Best regards,

2016-02-23 12:48 GMT+01:00 Stéphane Klein <cont...@stephane-klein.info>:

> 2016-02-23 11:05 GMT+01:00 Maciej Szulik <maszu...@redhat.com>:
>> Have you checked this doc:
>> https://docs.openshift.org/latest/architecture/core_concepts/builds_and_image_streams.html#private-registries
> Thanks for this url :)
> I've created my hub.docker.io secret with (I have replaced with my
> credentials) :
> ```
> oc secrets new-dockercfg SECRET --docker-server=DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER
> --docker-username=DOCKER_USER --docker-password=DOCKER_PASSWORD
> --docker-email=DOCKER_EMAIL
> ```
> Now I've :
> ```
> # oc get secret hub.docker.io -o json
> {
>     "kind": "Secret",
>     "apiVersion": "v1",
>     "metadata": {
>         "name": "hub.docker.io",
>         "namespace": "foobar-staging",
>         "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/foobar-staging/secrets/
> hub.docker.io",
>         "uid": "3b1b2aa4-da15-11e5-b613-080027143490",
>         "resourceVersion": "19813",
>         "creationTimestamp": "2016-02-23T10:07:22Z"
>     },
>     "data": {
>         ".dockercfg": ".................................."
>     },
>     "type": "kubernetes.io/dockercfg"
> }
> ```
> When I execute :
> ```
> # oc import-image api
> The import completed successfully.
> Name:            api
> Created:        2 hours ago
> Labels:            <none>
> Annotations:
> openshift.io/image.dockerRepositoryCheck=2016-02-23T09:14:34Z
> Docker Pull Spec:
> Tag    Spec    Created        PullSpec    Image
> latest    api    2 hours ago            import failed: you may not have
> access to the Docker image "api"
> ```
> Where is my mistake ? how can I say to my ImageStream to use my
> hub.docker.io secret ?
> Best regards,
> Stéphane

Stéphane Klein <cont...@stephane-klein.info>
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