I'm having trouble getting my builds to push to an internal registry. I'm
running Origin v1.1.2. When I run through the nodejs example (
the build always fails pushing to the internal registry with this error:

I0316 18:22:06.442945       1 sti.go:314] Successfully built
I0316 18:22:06.472264       1 cleanup.go:23] Removing temporary directory
I0316 18:22:06.472314       1 fs.go:156] Removing directory
I0316 18:22:06.475260       1 cfg.go:45] Locating docker auth for image and type PUSH_DOCKERCFG_PATH
I0316 18:22:06.475743       1 cfg.go:83] Using serviceaccount user for
Docker authentication for image
I0316 18:22:06.475769       1 sti.go:229] Using provided push secret for
pushing image
I0316 18:22:06.475782       1 sti.go:233] Pushing image ...
I0316 18:22:08.276420       1 sti.go:238] Registry server Address:
I0316 18:22:08.276451       1 sti.go:239] Registry server User Name:
I0316 18:22:08.276464       1 sti.go:240] Registry server Email:
I0316 18:22:08.276476       1 sti.go:245] Registry server Password:
F0316 18:22:08.276507       1 builder.go:202] Error: build error: Failed to
push image. Response from registry is: Received unexpected HTTP status: 500
Internal Server Error

At the same time the registry pod logs the following error about not being
able to create an imagestreammap:

time="2016-03-16T18:22:08.273960074Z" level=error msg="response completed
with error" err.code=UNKNOWN err.detail="User \"system:anonymous\" cannot
create imagestreammappings in project \"-example\"" err.message="unknown
error" go.version=go1.4.2 http.request.host=""
http.request.method=PUT http.request.remoteaddr=""
http.request.useragent="docker/1.8.2-el7.centos go/go1.4.2
kernel/3.10.0-327.4.5.el7.x86_64 os/linux arch/amd64"
http.response.contenttype="application/json; charset=utf-8"
http.response.duration=30.909695ms http.response.status=500
http.response.written=292 instance.id=41bc78ef-3afb-4dbe-94b7-b28401931d85
vars.name="-example/nodejs-ex" vars.reference=latest

I feel like my builder serviceaccount or registry authentication config is
messed up, but I don't understand what needs to change to fix this. I've
redeployed the registry multiple times in trying to troubleshoot/fix the
issue, but I'm still not clear on where the builder serviceaccounts get
their dockercfg secret or what about that secret might be wrong.

Any help on where to look next?

Robert Wehner
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