----- On Mar 30, 2016, at 9:15 AM, Mateus Caruccio 
<mateus.caruc...@getupcloud.com> wrote: 

> Hi Dale.

> I believe you don't need to redo most of the work already done by the base 
> image
> openshift/python-27-centos7.

> Regarding python, you could simply add cx_Oracle to requirements.txt of your
> source project and let the base image to install it[1].

> Also, unless you provide your own ./s2i and ./contrib files, there is no need 
> to
> COPY it again.

> Take a look at this example[2]. It just adds some extra RPMs into the new 
> image.
> Everything else is already provided by the base image.

> [1]
> https://github.com/openshift/sti-python/blob/529c67c24609ead2962c7a5d465541bb07898a0c/2.7/s2i/bin/assemble#L16-L19
> [2] https://github.com/getupcloud/sti-php-extra/blob/master/5.6/Dockerfile

> Regards,

Thanks Mateus, 

My goal with the custom dockerfile was to facilitate the rpm install of 

So, you are saying, I could shorten my dockerfile like this[1], and the STI 
functionality would remain? I'll give that a try. 

I also ran into a problem using my image in that the `fix-permissions` script 
was not found by the assemble script. 

[1] https://github.com/getupcloud/sti-php-extra/blob/master/5.6/Dockerfile 

> --
> Mateus Caruccio / Master of Puppets
> GetupCloud.com - Eliminamos a Gravidade

> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 12:44 PM, Dale Bewley < d...@bewley.net > wrote:

>> ----- On Mar 22, 2016, at 7:05 AM, Ben Parees < bpar...@redhat.com > wrote:

>>> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 12:58 AM, Dale Bewley < d...@bewley.net > wrote:

>>>> I'm trying to understand best practices for creating and maintaining 
>>>> builder
>>>> images.

>>>> For example, I would like to start with this repo
>>>> https://github.com/openshift/sti-python/blob/master/2.7/ and customize the
>>>> Dockerfile to the include the Oracle instantclient libraries.

>>> ​So first off, rather than customizing the dockerfile and building the whole
>>> image over again, you should do:
>>> FROM centos/python-27-centos7
>>> RUN yum install oracle-instantclient # or whatever

>> Do you mean `FROM openshift/python-27-centos7` ?

>> This is the approach I'm taking at the moment. Does it look sane?

>> 1. Clone https://github.com/openshift/sti-python/ and make it my own by 
>> changing
>> the 2.7/Dockerfile to look like this:

>> ```
>> FROM openshift/python-27-centos7

>> # This image provides a Python 2.7 environment you can use to run your Python
>> # applications.

>> MAINTAINER Admin < ad...@example.com >

>> EXPOSE 8080

>> PATH=$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH

>> LABEL io.k8s.description="Platform for building and running Python 2.7
>> applications with Oracle Support" \
>> io.k8s.display-name="Python 2.7 Oracle" \
>> io.openshift.expose-services="8080:http" \
>> io.openshift.tags="builder,python,python27,rh-python27,oracle,example"

>> USER 0

>> # Setup oracle environment for Example
>> # RUN yum install oracle things

>> # Install python support for Oracle
>> RUN /opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/pip install cx_Oracle

>> # Copy the S2I scripts from the specific language image to $STI_SCRIPTS_PATH
>> COPY ./s2i/bin/ $STI_SCRIPTS_PATH

>> # Each language image can have 'contrib' a directory with extra files needed 
>> to
>> # run and build the applications.
>> COPY ./contrib/ /opt/app-root

>> # In order to drop the root user, we have to make some directories world
>> # writable as OpenShift default security model is to run the container under
>> # random UID.
>> RUN chown -R 1001:0 /opt/app-root && chmod -R og+rwx /opt/app-root

>> USER 1001

>> # Set the default CMD to print the usage of the language image
>> ```

>> 2. Create a `example` project and give `system:authenticated` group view and
>> pull permissions.

>> ```
>> oadm policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:authenticated -n
>> example
>> oadm policy add-role-to-group view system:authenticated -n example
>> ```

>> 3. In the example project create a imagestream like this
>> ```
>> apiVersion: v1

>> kind: ImageStream
>> metadata:
>> annotations:
>> name: python-27-centos7
>> spec:
>> dockerImageRepository: example/python-27-centos7
>> ```

>> 4. In the example project c reate a buildconfig like this

>> ```
>> apiVersion : v1 kind : BuildConfig metadata : name : python-27-centos7
>> annotations : description : Defines how to build python-27-centos7 builder
>> image spec : output : to : kind : ImageStreamTag name :
>> python-27-centos7:latest source : git : uri :
>> http://gitlab.example.com/openshift/sti-python.git type : Git contextDir : "
>> 2.7" strategy : type : Docker dockerStrategy : { } triggers : - type : "
>> imagechange" imageChange : from : kind : " ImageStreamTag" name : "
>> openshift/python-27-centos7:latest"
>> ```

>> 5. In the example project `oc start-build python-27-centos7`

>> 6. Create a template to use example/python-27-centos7 + developer's python 
>> app
>> git repo.

>>> That way you are just layering on top of the existing s2i image.
>>> ​

>>>> As a test with fewer dependencies I used s2i
>>>> https://github.com/openshift/source-to-image/releases/ and referred to
>>>> openshift/sti-php to bootstrap a simple Dockerfile
>>>> https://gist.github.com/dlbewley/88bce324daf700d49bf0 for creating
>>>> static-content sites.

>>>> I then used Docker build strategy `oc new-app 
>>>> http://gitlab/static-builder.git`
>>>> to create an app from the git repo.

>>> ​you can use "oc new-build" for cases where you just want a buildconfig and 
>>> no
>>> deploymentconfig, such as this one where the resulting image isn't really
>>> deployable.
>>> ​​

>>>> OpenShift built the image called `static-builder` (and an app with no real
>>>> content) in my project. I was able to utilize that with `oc new-app
>>>> builder-image~ http://gitlab/static-site.git` .

>>>> I like that I can use a web hook to rebuild my builder image when I update 
>>>> the
>>>> static-builder.git repo, but I'm wondering what the "proper" method is.

>>>> Should I expose my registry, build images externally, then push the builder
>>>> images to it? That feels too manual, and how do I ensure the image is 
>>>> always
>>>> using the latest upstream `openshift/sti-foo` image each time a user 
>>>> creates a
>>>> new app from my `static-builder` image?

>>> ​I'm not sure why you're asking about building the images externally since
>>> you've successfully built the image within openshift already?

>>> I'm also not sure what you mean about using the latest openshift/sti-foo 
>>> image.

>>> The normal flow for what you're doing would be:
>>> 1) create an imagestream for the image you are deriving from (base-centos7 
>>> in
>>> this case, but again i'd recommend you start with an image further down the
>>> chain, depending on what you can reuse)
>>> 2) create a buildconfig that uses (1) as the base image and produces your 
>>> new
>>> builder image. It will push this to an imagestream as well.
>>> 3) create a buildconfig that uses the imagestream from (2) to build an
>>> application image.

>>> With the default imagechange triggers, any time (2) changes, (3) will be
>>> rebuilt.

>>> Because (1) is based on an external docker image (not one in the openshift
>>> registry), you will not get automatic notifications when the docker image
>>> backing (1) changes, so you will need to periodically run "oc import-image" 
>>> to
>>> refresh the imagestream. (you can also explicitly enable scheduled import by
>>> editing the imagestream).

>>> ​If you also want to rebuilt (2) when you've updated the dockerfile/git 
>>> content
>>> that is part of (2), then you can do as you discovered: setup the github
>>> webook, which requires your api server(but nothing else) be reachable by
>>> github.

>>>> Thanks

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>>> --
>>> Ben Parees | OpenShift

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