Hello Tobias, below is the output of the commands you mentioned:

*1. oc get nodes --show-labels*

master.dev.local   Ready     10d
node1.dev.local    Ready     10d
node2.dev.local    Ready     10d

*2. oc describe dc router*

Name:           router
Created:        4 minutes ago
Labels:         router=router
Annotations:    <none>
Latest Version: 1
Triggers:       Config
Strategy:       Rolling
  Selector:     router=router
  Replicas:     1
    Image:      openshift/origin-haproxy-router:v1.1.4
    QoS Tier:
      cpu:      BestEffort
      memory:   BestEffort
    Liveness:   http-get http://localhost:1936/healthz delay=10s timeout=1s
period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Readiness:  http-get http://localhost:1936/healthz delay=10s timeout=1s
period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Environment Variables:

     *[Truncated Certificate Data for extra clarity]*

      ROUTER_EXTERNAL_HOST_INSECURE:            false
      ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT:                443
      ROUTER_SERVICE_HTTP_PORT:                 80
      ROUTER_SERVICE_NAME:                      router
      ROUTER_SERVICE_NAMESPACE:                 openshift
      STATS_PASSWORD:                           Lt1ZhBJc8n
      STATS_PORT:                               1936
      STATS_USERNAME:                           admin
Deployment #1 (latest):
        Name:           router-1
        Created:        4 minutes ago
        Status:         Running
        Replicas:       1 current / 1 desired
        Pods Status:    0 Running / 1 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
  FirstSeen     LastSeen        Count   From
 SubobjectPath   Type            Reason                  Message
  ---------     --------        -----   ----
 -------------   --------        ------                  -------
  4m            4m              1       {deploymentconfig-controller }
             Normal          DeploymentCreated       Created new deployment
"router-1" for version 1
  4m            4m              1       {deployer }
            Warning         FailedUpdate            Error updating
deployment openshift/router-1 status to Pending

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Skarbek, John <john.skar...@ca.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I ponder if there’s an issue with the labels being utilized by the nodes
> and the pods. Can you run the following command: oc get nodes
> —show-labels
> And then an: oc describe dc router
> --
> John Skarbek
> On April 7, 2016 at 04:26:37, Mfawa Alfred Onen (muffycomp...@gmail.com)
> wrote:
> So I enabled scheduling as you pointed out but still no luck:
> *oc get nodes*
> NAME                 STATUS    AGE
> master.dev.local   Ready     8d
> node1.dev.local    Ready     8d
> node2.dev.local    Ready     8d
> *oc get pods*
> docker-registry-2-pbvcf   1/1       Running   0          10h
> router-1-bk55a            0/1       Pending   0          1s
> router-1-deploy           1/1       Running   0          4s
> *oc describe pod router-1-bk55a*
> <Showing only Event logs>
> Events:
>   FirstSeen     LastSeen        Count   From
>  SubobjectPath   Type            Reason                  Message
>   ---------     --------        -----   ----
>  -------------   --------        ------                  -------
>   1m            1m              1       {default-scheduler }
>      Warning         FailedScheduling        pod (router-1-bk55a) failed to
> fit in any node
> fit failure on node (master.dev.local): PodFitsPorts
> fit failure on node (node1.dev.local): Region
> fit failure on node (node2.dev.local): MatchNodeSelector
>   1m    1m      1       {default-scheduler }            Warning
> FailedScheduling        pod (router-1-bk55a) failed to fit in any node
> fit failure on node (node2.dev.local): MatchNodeSelector
> fit failure on node (master.dev.local): PodFitsPorts
> fit failure on node (node1.dev.local): MatchNodeSelector
>   1m    1m      2       {default-scheduler }            Warning
> FailedScheduling        pod (router-1-bk55a) failed to fit in any node
> fit failure on node (master.dev.local): PodFitsPorts
> fit failure on node (node1.dev.local): Region
> fit failure on node (node2.dev.local): Region
>   47s   47s     1       {default-scheduler }            Warning
> FailedScheduling        pod (router-1-bk55a) failed to fit in any node
> fit failure on node (node1.dev.local): Region
> fit failure on node (node2.dev.local): Region
> fit failure on node (master.dhcpaas.com
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__master.dhcpaas.com&d=CwMFaQ&c=_hRq4mqlUmqpqlyQ5hkoDXIVh6I6pxfkkNxQuL0p-Z0&r=8IlWeJZqFtf8Tvx1PDV9NsLfM_M0oNfzEXXNp-tpx74&m=Kvu7h4NH0VKpICUhIHRvPYCilfYCENeI2O51tCkTZy4&s=80sqJagvP-0xCvCUUP08aqapr3tX91PSkV1qZpv-ij4&e=>):
> PodFitsPorts
>   1m    15s     2       {default-scheduler }            Warning
> FailedScheduling        pod (router-1-bk55a) failed to fit in any node
> fit failure on node (master.dev.local): PodFitsPorts
> fit failure on node (node1.dev.local): MatchNodeSelector
> fit failure on node (node2.dev.local): Region
> Regards!
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 8:01 AM, Tobias Florek <opensh...@ibotty.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I assume your router does not get scheduled on master.dev.local, because
>> scheduling is disabled there:
>> > *1. oc get nodes*
>> >
>> > NAME                 STATUS                     AGE
>> > master.dev.local   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   8d
>> Run
>>     oadm manage-node master.dev.local --schedulable=true
>> to enable pods to run on your master.
>> Cheers,
>>  Tobias Florek
> --
> *Mfawa Alfred Onen*
> System Administrator / GDG Lead, Bingham University
> Department of Computer Science,
> Bingham University.
> E-Mail: muffycomp...@gmail.com
> Phone1: +234 805 944 3154
> Phone2: +234 803 079 6088
> Twitter: @muffycompo
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__twitter.com_muffycompo&d=CwMFaQ&c=_hRq4mqlUmqpqlyQ5hkoDXIVh6I6pxfkkNxQuL0p-Z0&r=8IlWeJZqFtf8Tvx1PDV9NsLfM_M0oNfzEXXNp-tpx74&m=Kvu7h4NH0VKpICUhIHRvPYCilfYCENeI2O51tCkTZy4&s=LWKLw0w264TLoL6B5JmDnMIuDJNd54Hjq-y-ukhqN2Q&e=>
> Google+: https://plus.google.com/+MfawaAlfredOnen
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*Mfawa Alfred Onen*
System Administrator / GDG Lead, Bingham University
Department of Computer Science,
Bingham University.

E-Mail: muffycomp...@gmail.com
Phone1: +234 805 944 3154
Phone2: +234 803 079 6088
Twitter: @muffycompo <https://twitter.com/muffycompo>
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