On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Jordan Liggitt <jligg...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I'm pretty sure it is intentional that the only variables available are
> the ones defined in the template itself.

​right, those are not system variables or anything, they are just
parameters that users can provide values for.  if you provide no value for
a route hostname, you get a generated default, as seen when you left


> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 3:29 PM, Dale Bewley <d...@bewley.net> wrote:
>> I'm creating a template which has 2 services. One is a python gunicorn
>> and one is httpd.
>> I want the first service reachable at app-project.domain/ and the second
>> service to be reachable at app-project.domain/static. That works, but I'm
>> having trouble automating it in a template.
>> Unfortunately if I use default value of ${APPLICATION_DOMAIN} it includes
>> the service name and I wind up with a distinct hostname in each route:
>> app-static-project.domain and app-py-project.domain
>>     {
>>       "kind": "Route",
>>       "apiVersion": "v1",
>>       "metadata": {
>>         "name": "${NAME}-static"
>>       },
>>       "spec": {
>>         "host": "${APPLICATION_DOMAIN}",
>>         "path": "/${STATIC_DIR}",
>>         "to": {
>>           "kind": "Service",
>>           "name": "${NAME}-static"
>>         },
>>         "tls": {
>>           "termination" : "edge"
>>         }
>>       }
>>     },
>>     {
>>       "kind": "Route",
>>       "apiVersion": "v1",
>>       "metadata": {
>>         "name": "${NAME}-py"
>>       },
>>       "spec": {
>>         "host": "${APPLICATION_DOMAIN}",
>>         "to": {
>>           "kind": "Service",
>>           "name": "${NAME}-py"
>>         },
>>         "tls": {
>>           "termination" : "edge"
>>         }
>>       }
>>     },
>> I could prompt for a hostname, but I would like to auto-generate the
>> hostname to include the project by default. What I would like is
>> <app>-<project>.<cloud_apps_domain> in both routes.
>> Is is there a list somewhere of the variables available to templates?
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