On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Jonathan Yu <jaw...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hey Alex,
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Alex Wauck <alexwa...@exosite.com> wrote:
>> My employer (www.exosite.com) has a pilot project using OpenShift Origin
>> and we're looking for a contractor to help in configuring OpenShift and
>> Kubernetes. AWS experience would be helpful too, since we suspect the
>> issues
> Not to make this sound like an ad, but... Have you considered Red Hat
> Consulting? https://www.redhat.com/en/services/consulting

Considering our experience attempting to get OpenShift Enterprise and the
associated support, we get the feeling that 1) we are not the kind of
customer Red Hat is particularly interested in (small, not a huge budget),
and 2) whatever they offer us will be expensive.

Right now, we just need an expert to help us figure out what's wrong with
our configuration and fix it.  (We're not doing anything weird, so we're
assuming that our problems are simple but we just don't know where to
look.)  I, for one, am not convinced that Red Hat is willing to provide
that to us, at least not at a reasonable price (rather, a "please go away,
but we don't want to actually say that" price).


Alex Wauck // DevOps Engineer
+1 612 790 1558 (USA Mobile)

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*www.exosite.com <http://www.exosite.com/>*
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