We are trying to start up a CentOS OpsTools SIG https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup for logging, monitoring, etc.

The intention is that this would be the upstream for development and packaging of tools related to logging (EFK stack, etc.), monitoring, and other opstools, as a single place where packages can be consumed by OpenShift Origin, RDO, and other upstream projects that use CentOS - pool our resources, share the lessons learned, and enable cross project log aggregation and correlation (e.g. running OpenShift on top of OpenStack on top of Ceph/Gluster - do my OpenShift application errors correlate with Nova errors? file system errors?). This would also be a place for installers (puppet manifests, ansible playbooks), and possibly testing/CI and containers. It is intended that this will form the basis of https://github.com/openshift/origin-aggregated-logging which will be built from the packages and base images provided by the SIG.

If you are interested, please chime in in the email thread: https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2016-May/014777.html
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