The IP is cached by the master when you install the registry.  If you
delete the service, you'll need to restart your masters.  The values in
etcd will be wrong though, so you'll either want to recreate the service
using the original service ip (spec.clusterIP) or expect your images to
need to be pushed again.  1.3.0-alpha.3 will include a migrator for fixups
like this.  At some point soon we'll move to DNS for the registry but that
requires node setup.

Generally, don't delete your registry service, just recreate the DC.

On Jun 23, 2016, at 12:47 PM, Philippe Lafoucrière <> wrote:

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 12:37 PM, Clayton Coleman <>

> Did you delete and recreate your docker registry?
yes, several times.
And we can't find any clue from where this IP is coming from.
We have grep all files, searched in etcd, and nothing.
It's a mystery :)
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