On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 3:28 AM, David Strejc <david.str...@gmail.com>

> I got basic setup with 3 physical nodes running open shift nodes and
> on first node there is installed master server.
> Is there a way how I can add master server into this scenario?

Apologies about missing the original question in my earlier reply. We don't
really have a good way to go from non-HA to HA currently. We do have a
playbook to add master hosts to a cluster, but it requires that the
environment already be configured as an HA environment. Switching from
non-HA to HA requires introducing a load balancer, switching from using the
embedded etcd to an external etcd cluster, and re-keying certificates for
the master hosts.

> I would like to have HA setup.
> I've used openshift ansible for setup.
> David Strejc
> https://octopussystems.cz
> t: +420734270131
> e: david.str...@gmail.com
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