So I figured it out. Ntp went kaboom on one of our master nodes.

ERROR: [DCli0015 from diagnostic 
       For client config context 'default/cluster:8443/system:admin':
       The server URL is 'https://cluster:8443'
       The user authentication is 'system:admin/cluster:8443'
       The current project is 'default'
       (*url.Error) Get https://cluster:8443/api: x509: certificate has expired 
or is not yet valid
       Diagnostics does not have an explanation for what this means. Please 
report this error so one can be added.

I ended up finding that the master node clock just…. I have no idea:

[/etc/origin/master]# date
Wed Feb 14 12:23:13 UTC 2001

I’d like to suggest that diagnostics checks the date and time of all the 
certificates and perhaps do some sort of ntp check and maybe even go the extra 
mile and compare the time on the server to …life. I have no idea why my master 
node decided to back to Valentines day in 2001. I think I was single way back 

John Skarbek

On August 15, 2016 at 13:32:13, Skarbek, John 
(<>) wrote:

It would appear the certificate is valid 2018:

`[/etc/origin/node]# openssl x509 -enddate -in system:node:node-001.crt 
notAfter=Mar 21 15:18:10 2018 GMT

Got any other ideas?

John Skarbek

On August 15, 2016 at 13:27:57, Clayton Coleman 
(<>) wrote:

The node's client certificate may have expired - that a common failure mode.

On Aug 15, 2016, at 1:23 PM, Skarbek, John 
<<>> wrote:

Good Morning,

We recently had a node go down, upon trying to get it back online, the 
origin-node service fails to start. The rest of the cluster appears to be just 
fine, so with the desire to troubleshoot, what can I look at to determine the 
root cause of the following error:

Aug 15 17:12:59 node-001 origin-node[14536]: E0815 17:12:59.469682   14536 
common.go:194] Failed to obtain ClusterNetwork: the server has asked for the 
client to provide credentials (get clusterNetworks default)
Aug 15 17:12:59 node-001 origin-node[14536]: F0815 17:12:59.469705   14536 
node.go:310] error: SDN node startup failed: the server has asked for the 
client to provide credentials (get clusterNetworks default)

John Skarbek
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