Ugh.  Alright, back to the 2-stage process now.  Do you have the issue
reference in kubernetes?  I looked but couldn't find it.

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Andrew Lau <> wrote:

> This something thats tracked in kubernetes, iirc its something that was
> planned to be fixed in 1.4
> On Tue, 16 Aug 2016, 7:08 AM Isaac Christoffersen <
>> wrote:
>> I have an Origin v1.2.1 setup in AWS and I have my masters and nodes
>> spread across zones in AWS.
>> I'm looking to use the Dynamic provisioning of Persistent Volumes when a
>> claim is made as per
>> persistent_storage/dynamically_provisioning_pvs.html
>> However, I'm getting an error as the PV is being created in a difference
>> zone than the node.
>> "Unable to mount volumes for pod "jenkins-cicd-2-9n2fl_cicd(
>> 3e69d228-632b-11e6-bab3-0ee2d3ada485)": Could not attach EBS Disk
>> "aws://us-east-1a/vol-f1b04356": Error attaching EBS volume:
>> InvalidVolume.ZoneMismatch: The volume 'vol-f1b04356' is not in the same
>> availability zone as instance 'i-xxxxxxxx' status code: 400, request id:"
>> Can I control the zone where the EBS is provisioned with dynamic
>> provisioning?
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