
i have just started the process as root inside the docker just to be sure that  
was the problem ,but still the same issue

java process running inside jboss is not reading variable values but when 
connected to the docker shell , echoing them shows the values properly ..

what i am doing wrong? shell processes are able to read values but app inside 
jboss no..

best regards

thanks again.

> El 12 sept 2016, a las 11:04, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> escribió:
> do i need to do something to make the env variables i pass on son when 
> creating the RC to all users? or shall i do it manually dumping them into 
> /etc/profile or user bash_profile file prior launching jboss?
> thanks
>> El 12 sept 2016, a las 10:45, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com 
>> <mailto:jsa...@hiberus.com>> escribió:
>> hi
>> we have found the problem
>> the process inside the docker is launched with sudo to a non privileged user 
>> por starting the jboss server  , don’t want the process to be launched as 
>> root.
>> env variables are only available for the root user of the docker, not for 
>> the user that launches jboss process, and so code finds em as null
>> Best regards
>>> El 9 sept 2016, a las 17:49, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com 
>>> <mailto:jsa...@hiberus.com>> escribió:
>>>> El 9 sept 2016, a las 17:47, Aleksandar Kostadinov <akost...@redhat.com 
>>>> <mailto:akost...@redhat.com>> escribió:
>>>> Julio Saura wrote on 09/09/16 18:41:
>>>>>> El 9 sept 2016, a las 17:39, Aleksandar Kostadinov <akost...@redhat.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:akost...@redhat.com>> escribió:
>>>>>> Julio Saura wrote on 09/09/16 17:09:
>>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>>> just to be sure ..
>>>>>>> i need to pass some env variables containing @ and / characters
>>>>>>> so far i did always scape them
>>>>>>> for example
>>>>>>>   {
>>>>>>>      "name”:"URL",
>>>>>>>      "value”:”http:\/\/www.example.com <http://www.example.com/>\/uri"
>>>>>>>   },
>>>>>> This is not OpenShift specific. You need just correct JSON. As far as 
>>>>>> ruby JSON parser says, there is no need to escape anything in the above 
>>>>>> URL.
>>>>> yeah i know is not open shift specific but since this an open shift group 
>>>>> i though it would be the right way to answer this :)
>>>>> ok, i will investigate further then why i am having problems in the app 
>>>>> recovering variable values
>>>> You need to provide to the list more details of what you are seeing 
>>>> exactly. I said JSON escaping is not specific to OpenSHift. But issue 
>>>> might not be escaping itself.
>>> yeah agree. let me do some investigations in the code i had .. i am sure is 
>>> a code problem if escaping is not needed .. 
>>> i am getting is a null pointer exception when recovering the env variables 
>>> values.
>>> i will share conclusions as soon as i have 
>>> thanks
>>>>> thanks aleksandar
>>>>>>> this is the right way ? i am having problems recovering this variable 
>>>>>>> on a java app in my pods
>>>>>>> on shell if i echo the variable’s value shows the value ok.
>>>>>>> thanks in advance
>>>>>>> Best regards.
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