Once more, now with JSON

    "kind": "List",
    "apiVersion": "v1beta3",
    "metadata": {},
    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
                "labels": {
                    "name": "node-test"
                "name": "node-test"
            "spec": {
                "containers": [
                        "image": "node:4.4.7",
                        "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
                        "name": "node-test",
                        "command": [
                        "args": [
                        "ports": [
                                "containerPort": 8080,
                                "protocol": "TCP"
                        "volumeMounts": [
                                "mountPath": "/usr/src/app",
                                "name": "myclaim2"
                        "securityContext": {
                            "capabilities": {},
                            "privileged": false
                        "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log"
                "volumes": [
                        "name": "myclaim2",
                        "persistentVolumeClaim": {
                            "claimName": "myclaim2"
                "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
                "restartPolicy": "Always",
                "serviceAccount": ""
            "status": {}
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Service",
            "metadata": {
                "creationTimestamp": null,
                "name": "node-service"
            "spec": {
                "portalIP": "",
                "ports": [
                        "name": "web",
                        "port": 8080,
                        "protocol": "TCP"
                "selector": {
                    "name": "node-test"
                "sessionAffinity": "None",
                "type": "ClusterIP"
            "status": {
                "loadBalancer": {}
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Route",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {},
                "name": "node-route"
            "spec": {
                "to": {
                    "name": "node-service"

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Ravi Kapoor <ravikapoor...@gmail.com>

> I created following job definition. It successfully creates a service, pod
> and a route. I am able to access the website.
> It shows 1 Pod running, however, there are no scale up/down buttons in the
> UI.
> How can I scale this application up?
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