Were there any logs from the ruby pod as it was being spun up?  If you
trigger a new deployment:

    oc deploy ruby-ex --latest

When you see a new ruby-ex-* pod get created (the one with the random
suffix) try checking the logs with

    oc logs POD_NAME

To see if the app was failing to load.

On Sep 27, 2016, at 11:08 AM, Gerard Braad <m...@gbraad.nl> wrote:

Hi All,

On a test environment using the `oc cluster up` command, I am unable
to deploy the ruby-ex example application. I am deploying on Fedora
24, using origin v1.3.

As you can see, the build succeeds, pushed the image and then
deployment times out.

$ oc logs bc/ruby-ex
Cloning "https://github.com/gbraad/ruby-ex"; ...
       Commit: f63d076b602441ebd65fd0749c5c58ea4bafaf90 (Merge pull
request #2 from mfojtik/add-puma)
       Author: Michal Fojtik <m...@mifo.sk>
       Date:   Thu Jun 30 10:47:53 2016 +0200
---> Installing application source ...
---> Building your Ruby application from source ...
---> Running 'bundle install --deployment' ...
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/...............
Installing puma (3.4.0)
Installing rack (1.6.4)
Using bundler (1.3.5)
Cannot write a changed lockfile while frozen.
Your bundle is complete!
It was installed into ./bundle
---> Cleaning up unused ruby gems ...
Pushing image ...
Pushed 0/10 layers, 2% complete
Pushed 1/10 layers, 43% complete
Pushed 2/10 layers, 50% complete
Pushed 3/10 layers, 50% complete
Pushed 4/10 layers, 50% complete
Pushed 5/10 layers, 70% complete
Pushed 6/10 layers, 61% complete
Pushed 7/10 layers, 71% complete
Pushed 8/10 layers, 92% complete
Pushed 9/10 layers, 97% complete
Pushed 10/10 layers, 100% complete
Push successful
$ oc logs dc/ruby-ex
--> Scaling ruby-ex-1 to 1
--> Waiting up to 10m0s for pods in deployment ruby-ex-1 to become ready
$ oc logs dc/ruby-ex
--> Scaling ruby-ex-1 to 1
--> Waiting up to 10m0s for pods in deployment ruby-ex-1 to become ready
error: update acceptor rejected ruby-ex-1: pods for deployment
"ruby-ex-1" took longer than 600 seconds to become ready

I verified that the environment works by deploying the hello-openshift:

$ oc run hello-openshift
--image=docker.io/openshift/hello-openshift:latest --port=8080

and this gets deployed and is accessible.

Any ideas?




  Gerard Braad | http://gbraad.nl
  [ Doing Open Source Matters ]

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