If you can prevent your eyes from bleeding through sheer strength of will -
gaze upon the setup code here:


I thought there was doc for this but I'm not seeing it in my quick searches.

On Sep 27, 2016, at 9:12 PM, Andrew Lau <and...@andrewklau.com> wrote:

I noticed support for emptyDir volume quota was added in 1.3, is there any
documentation on how we can enable this on atomic hosts? Setting gquota in
/etc/fstab doesn't apply.

"Preliminary support for local emptyDir volume quotas, set this value to a
resource quantity representing the desired quota per FSGroup, per node.
(i.e. 1Gi, 512Mi, etc) Currently requires that the volumeDirectory be on an
XFS filesystem mounted with the 'gquota' option, and the matching security
context contraint’s fsGroup type set to 'MustRunAs'."

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