Hi Everyone,

I am trying to set up a build pipeline by following the tutorial on the
OpenShift blog site  (
https://blog.openshift.com/create-build-pipelines-openshift-3-3/), but I
couldn't manage to set it up properly, not even the simple pipeline from
Part 1.

The first problem is I encountered was that if I create the application by
disabling the config change and image change triggers on the deployment (as
shown in the video), then the deployment will fail, because the DC created
by the web console has the value "myphp:latest" under
"spec.template.spec.containers[0].image". Without an image change trigger,
this value won't get updated to point to the specific image stream in the
internal registry.

But I could overcome this by setting the proper value in the DC, so it
points to the image stream. This way the deployment should work properly,
but then I hit another problem: when I start the pipeline, the build phase
succeeds, and then at the deployment phase it keeps on deploying the
application over and over again. 10 minutes and about 30 deployments later
the deployment phase of the pipeline times out, and the build pipeline
stops with an error. At this point, the continous re-deployment stops and I
end up with a working deployment of my app.

What I could figure out is that somehow a ConfigChange trigger got added to
the DC. I think that this might have something to do with the continuous
re-deployments: possibly something is updating the DC during the deployment
phase of the pipeline, and this causes it to keep deploying over and over
again (there is a "openshift.io/deployment.status-reason: caused by a
config change" annotation on the RCs). If I remove the ConfigChange trigger
from the DC, it gets added again as soon as I start the pipeline.

Could someone please help me with this? Am I doing something wrong or maybe
something's broken with my setup?

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