Thanks Mark

On 18 November 2016 at 15:09, Mark Turansky <> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Lionel Orellana <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Couple of questions regarding Persistent Volumes, in particular NFS ones.
>> 1) If I have a PV configured with the Retain policy it is not clear to me
>> how this PV can be reused after the bound PVC is deleted. Deleting the PVC
>> makes the PV status "Released". How do I make it "Available" again without
>> losing the data?
> You can keep the PVC around longer if you intend to reuse it between pods.
> There is no way for a PV to go from Released to Available again in your
> scenario. You would have to delete and recreate the PV. It's a pointer to
> real storage (the NFS share), so you're just recreating the pointer. The
> data in the NFS volume itself is untouched.
>> 2) Is there anything (e.g. all nodes crashing due to some underlying
>> infrastructure failure) that would cause the data in a "Retain" volume to
>> be wiped out? We had a problem with all our vmware servers  (where I host
>> my openshift POC)  and all my NFS mounted volumes were wiped out. The
>> storage guys assure me that nothing at their end caused that and it must
>> have been a running process that did it.
> "Retain" is just a flag to the recycling process to leave that PV alone
> when it's Released. The PV's retention policy wouldn't cause everything to
> be deleted. NFS volumes on the node are no different than if you called
> "mount" yourself. There is nothing inherent in OpenShift itself that is
> running in that share that would wipe out data.
>> Thanks
>> Lionel.
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