On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 9:49 AM, Hetz Ben Hamo <h...@hetz.biz> wrote:

> That's true. I didn't want to have container apps on it.

since you labeled it infra (based on your inventory), it won't.  but it's
also your only infra structure labeled node, and the registry has to run on
an infra structure node.

So you either need to add another node labeled infra that's scheduleable,
or make your master scheduleable.

> # oc get nodes
> NAME          STATUS                     AGE
> master-home   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   1h
> node1-home    Ready                      1h
> node2-home    Ready                      1h
> תודה,
> *חץ בן חמו*
> אתם מוזמנים לבקר בבלוג היעוץ <http://linvirtstor.net/> או בבלוג הפרטי שלי
> <http://benhamo.org>
> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:45 PM, Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> sounds like maybe your master node is not scheduleable, can you run:
>> $ oc get nodes
>> $ oc describe node master
>> ?
>> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 9:42 AM, Hetz Ben Hamo <h...@hetz.biz> wrote:
>>> Sure, here it is:
>>> # oc describe pod docker-registry-2-deploy
>>> Name:                   docker-registry-2-deploy
>>> Namespace:              default
>>> Security Policy:        restricted
>>> Node:                   /
>>> Labels:                 openshift.io/deployer-pod-for.
>>> name=docker-registry-2
>>> Status:                 Pending
>>> IP:
>>> Controllers:            <none>
>>> Containers:
>>>   deployment:
>>>     Image:      openshift/origin-deployer:v1.4.1
>>>     Port:
>>>     Volume Mounts:
>>>       /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from
>>> deployer-token-sbvm4 (ro)
>>>     Environment Variables:
>>>       KUBERNETES_MASTER:        https://master-home:8443
>>>       OPENSHIFT_MASTER:         https://master-home:8443
>>>       BEARER_TOKEN_FILE:        /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.i
>>> o/serviceaccount/token
>>>       OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA:        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>>> c2hpZnQtc2lnbmVyQDE0OTU1NDE2MTEwHhcNMTcwNTIzMTIxMzMwWhcNMjIwNTIy
>>> VCwlWKCMugpIGWYdnHaICBS71KuIim8pWaOWYPUb73QhoUUZhZ80MYOzlB7lk/xK
>>> NWUnQBDFYc9zKqXkxjiWlTXHv1UCyB56mxFdfxPTHN61JbE8dD9jbiBLRudgb1cq
>>> Vhff4CRXqkdDURk8KjpnGkWW57Ky0Icp0rbOrRT/OhYv5CB8sqJedSC2VKfe9qtz
>>> +L4ykOOa4Q1qfqD7YqPDAqnUEJFXEbqjFCdLe6q2TS0vscx/rRJcANmzApgw4BRd
>>> OxEHH1KX6ariXSNkSWxhQIBa8qDukDrGc2dvAoLHi8ALBbnpGLE0zwtf087zdyF/
>>> 7kd4VGFSzFtXKr0kHCgA+/6sEiu0ZlQZT7IvwDWgiY/bXOY/gT8whMWVLXbXBGGT
>>> 4brdqSRQVdgjv56kBG/cqIWedwNzItGFb+eye+AjHi20fUuVKW49Z7lvStHcvOHK
>>> c4XyP+e3S/wg6VEMT64kAuZUvvRLhUvJK9ZfxlEGZnjQ+qrYCEpGGDjeDTeXOxMi
>>> 6NL7Rh09p/yjemw3u+EZkfNlBMgBsA2+zEOxKbAGmENjjctFGRTJVGKq+FWR2HMi
>>> P2pHCOPEcn2on3GAyTncdp1ANcBNTjb8gTnsoPbc
>>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
>>>       OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_NAME:        docker-registry-2
>>> Conditions:
>>>   Type          Status
>>>   PodScheduled  False
>>> Volumes:
>>>   deployer-token-sbvm4:
>>>     Type:       Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
>>>     SecretName: deployer-token-sbvm4
>>> QoS Class:      BestEffort
>>> Tolerations:    <none>
>>> Events:
>>>   FirstSeen     LastSeen        Count   From
>>>  SubobjectPath   Type            Reason                  Message
>>>   ---------     --------        -----   ----
>>>  -------------   --------        ------                  -------
>>>   11m           7m              4       {default-scheduler }
>>>        Warning         FailedScheduling        pod
>>> (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   4m    3m      2       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   11m   2m      3       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   13m   2m      13      {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   11m   1m      7       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   13m   1m      4       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   13m   37s     10      {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   13m   5s      7       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (docker-registry-2-deploy) failed to fit in any
>>> node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> # oc describe pod router-2-deploy
>>> Name:                   router-2-deploy
>>> Namespace:              default
>>> Security Policy:        restricted
>>> Node:                   /
>>> Labels:                 openshift.io/deployer-pod-for.name=router-2
>>> Status:                 Pending
>>> IP:
>>> Controllers:            <none>
>>> Containers:
>>>   deployment:
>>>     Image:      openshift/origin-deployer:v1.4.1
>>>     Port:
>>>     Volume Mounts:
>>>       /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from
>>> deployer-token-sbvm4 (ro)
>>>     Environment Variables:
>>>       KUBERNETES_MASTER:        https://master-home:8443
>>>       OPENSHIFT_MASTER:         https://master-home:8443
>>>       BEARER_TOKEN_FILE:        /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.i
>>> o/serviceaccount/token
>>>       OPENSHIFT_CA_DATA:        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>>> c2hpZnQtc2lnbmVyQDE0OTU1NDE2MTEwHhcNMTcwNTIzMTIxMzMwWhcNMjIwNTIy
>>> VCwlWKCMugpIGWYdnHaICBS71KuIim8pWaOWYPUb73QhoUUZhZ80MYOzlB7lk/xK
>>> NWUnQBDFYc9zKqXkxjiWlTXHv1UCyB56mxFdfxPTHN61JbE8dD9jbiBLRudgb1cq
>>> Vhff4CRXqkdDURk8KjpnGkWW57Ky0Icp0rbOrRT/OhYv5CB8sqJedSC2VKfe9qtz
>>> +L4ykOOa4Q1qfqD7YqPDAqnUEJFXEbqjFCdLe6q2TS0vscx/rRJcANmzApgw4BRd
>>> OxEHH1KX6ariXSNkSWxhQIBa8qDukDrGc2dvAoLHi8ALBbnpGLE0zwtf087zdyF/
>>> 7kd4VGFSzFtXKr0kHCgA+/6sEiu0ZlQZT7IvwDWgiY/bXOY/gT8whMWVLXbXBGGT
>>> 4brdqSRQVdgjv56kBG/cqIWedwNzItGFb+eye+AjHi20fUuVKW49Z7lvStHcvOHK
>>> c4XyP+e3S/wg6VEMT64kAuZUvvRLhUvJK9ZfxlEGZnjQ+qrYCEpGGDjeDTeXOxMi
>>> 6NL7Rh09p/yjemw3u+EZkfNlBMgBsA2+zEOxKbAGmENjjctFGRTJVGKq+FWR2HMi
>>> P2pHCOPEcn2on3GAyTncdp1ANcBNTjb8gTnsoPbc
>>> -----END CERTIFICATE-----
>>>       OPENSHIFT_DEPLOYMENT_NAME:        router-2
>>> Conditions:
>>>   Type          Status
>>>   PodScheduled  False
>>> Volumes:
>>>   deployer-token-sbvm4:
>>>     Type:       Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
>>>     SecretName: deployer-token-sbvm4
>>> QoS Class:      BestEffort
>>> Tolerations:    <none>
>>> Events:
>>>   FirstSeen     LastSeen        Count   From
>>>  SubobjectPath   Type            Reason                  Message
>>>   ---------     --------        -----   ----
>>>  -------------   --------        ------                  -------
>>>   13m           13m             1       {default-scheduler }
>>>        Warning         FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed
>>> to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   14m   10m     2       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   15m   5m      12      {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   11m   4m      3       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   14m   1m      10      {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   15m   54s     12      {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>>   15m   46s     11      {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): CheckServiceAffinity, MatchNodeSelector
>>>   15m   30s     5       {default-scheduler }            Warning
>>> FailedScheduling        pod (router-2-deploy) failed to fit in any node
>>> fit failure on node (node2-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> fit failure on node (node1-home): MatchNodeSelector, CheckServiceAffinity
>>> I think that there's something wrong with my ansible host file - here it
>>> is, specially the last few lines:
>>> [OSEv3:children]
>>> masters
>>> nodes
>>> [OSEv3:vars]
>>> ansible_ssh_user=root
>>> # ansible_become=yes
>>> deployment_type=origin
>>> openshift_release=v1.4
>>> openshift_image_tag=v1.4.1
>>> containerized=true
>>> openshift_install_examples=true
>>> # openshift_hosted_metrics_deploy=true
>>> # use htpasswd authentication with demo/demo
>>> openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login':
>>> 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider',
>>> 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]
>>> openshift_master_htpasswd_users={'demo': '$apr1$.MaA77kd$Rlnn6RXq9kCjnE
>>> fh5I3w/.'}
>>> # put the router on dedicated infra node
>>> openshift_hosted_router_selector='region=infra'
>>> openshift_master_default_subdomain=apps.hetzlabs.pro
>>> # put the image registry on dedicated infra node
>>> openshift_hosted_registry_selector='region=infra'
>>> # project pods should be placed on primary nodes
>>> osm_default_node_selector='region=primary'
>>> [masters]
>>> master-home.hetzlabs.pro openshift_public_hostname="mas
>>> ter-home.hetzlabs.pro"
>>> [nodes]
>>> # master needs to be included in the node to be configured in the SDN
>>> master-home.hetzlabs.pro openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra',
>>> 'zone': 'default'}"
>>> node1-home.hetzlabs.pro openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary',
>>> 'zone': 'default'}"
>>> node2-home.hetzlabs.pro openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary',
>>> 'zone': 'default'}"
>>> Basically I'm looking to run openshift origin (1.4 or 1.5) with 1
>>> master, 2 nodes (total: 3 vm's). Am I doing it right?
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 4:24 PM, Rodrigo Bersa <rbe...@redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Hetz,
>>>> It seems that your Registry and Router PODs are not running. Probably
>>>> there's a problem avoiding them to deploy.
>>>> Can you send the output of the commands below?
>>>> # oc describe pod docker-registry-1-deploy
>>>> # oc describe pod router-1-deploy
>>>> Rodrigo Bersa
>>>> Cloud Consultant, RHCSA, RHCVA
>>>> Red Hat Brasil <https://www.redhat.com>
>>>> rbe...@redhat.com    M: +55 11 99557-5841 <+55-11-99557-5841>
>>>> <https://red.ht/sig> [image: Red Hat] <http://www.redhat.com.br>
>>>> TRIED. TESTED. TRUSTED. <https://redhat.com/trusted>
>>>> <http://www.redhat.com.br>
>>>> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 8:28 AM, Hetz Ben Hamo <h...@hetz.biz> wrote:
>>>>> ]# oc get pods -n default
>>>>> NAME                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
>>>>> docker-registry-1-deploy    0/1       Pending   0          16m
>>>>> registry-console-1-deploy   0/1       Error     0          15m
>>>>> router-1-deploy             0/1       Pending   0          17m
>>>>> [root@master-home ~]# oc logs registry-console-1-deploy
>>>>> --> Scaling registry-console-1 to 1
>>>>> --> Waiting up to 10m0s for pods in rc registry-console-1 to become
>>>>> ready
>>>>> error: update acceptor rejected registry-console-1: pods for rc
>>>>> "registry-console-1" took longer than 600 seconds to become ready
>>>>> [root@master-home ~]# oc logs router-1-deploy
>>>>> [root@master-home ~]# oc logs docker-registry-1-deploy
>>>>> [root@master-home ~]# oc logs docker-registry-1-deploy -n default
>>>>> [root@master-home ~]# oc get pods
>>>>> תודה,
>>>>> *חץ בן חמו*
>>>>> אתם מוזמנים לבקר בבלוג היעוץ <http://linvirtstor.net/> או בבלוג הפרטי
>>>>> שלי <http://benhamo.org>
>>>>> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 1:49 AM, Ben Parees <bpar...@redhat.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 6:18 PM, Hetz Ben Hamo <h...@hetz.biz> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I've built on a 3 nodes openshift origin using the host file
>>>>>>> included below, but it seems few things are getting broken. I didn't 
>>>>>>> modify
>>>>>>> anything yet on the openshift, just used the openshift-Ansible checked 
>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>> from today.
>>>>>>> Problem one: After building an image from the examples (I chose Java
>>>>>>> with the example of wildfly) I get:
>>>>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> ------------
>>>>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> ------------
>>>>>>> [INFO] Total time: 12.182 s
>>>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: 2017-05-22T22:08:21+00:00
>>>>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 14M/134M
>>>>>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> ------------
>>>>>>> Moving built war files into /wildfly/standalone/deployments for
>>>>>>> later deployment...
>>>>>>> Moving all war artifacts from /opt/app-root/src/target directory
>>>>>>> into /wildfly/standalone/deployments for later deployment...
>>>>>>> '/opt/app-root/src/target/ROOT.war' ->
>>>>>>> '/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war'
>>>>>>> Moving all ear artifacts from /opt/app-root/src/target directory
>>>>>>> into /wildfly/standalone/deployments for later deployment...
>>>>>>> Moving all rar artifacts from /opt/app-root/src/target directory
>>>>>>> into /wildfly/standalone/deployments for later deployment...
>>>>>>> Moving all jar artifacts from /opt/app-root/src/target directory
>>>>>>> into /wildfly/standalone/deployments for later deployment...
>>>>>>> ...done
>>>>>>> Pushing image ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Warning: Push failed, retrying in 5s ...
>>>>>>> Registry server Address:
>>>>>>> Registry server User Name: serviceaccount
>>>>>>> Registry server Email: serviceacco...@example.org
>>>>>>> Registry server Password: <<non-empty>>
>>>>>>> error: build error: Failed to push image: Get
>>>>>>> dial tcp
>>>>>>> getsockopt: connection refused
>>>>>> can you confirm your registry pod is running in the default namespace
>>>>>> (oc get pods -n default)?  Can you get logs from it?
>>>>>>> Another problem: I added the metrics option so it installed hawkler
>>>>>>> but when it complains that it needs SSL approval (it shows a message 
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>> a problem with hawkler and gives a link to open it) I get upon clicking 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> link: connection refused.
>>>>>>> I've tested the host configuration on 2 sets of VM's (one at home
>>>>>>> with digital ocean, another set here at home with VMWare). I've set up 
>>>>>>> DNS
>>>>>>> with subdomain wildcard and I can ping the app names but trying to 
>>>>>>> connect
>>>>>>> through a browser or curl - gives connection refused.
>>>>>>> Have I missed something?
>>>>>>> here is my byo host file:
>>>>>>> [OSEv3:children]
>>>>>>> masters
>>>>>>> nodes
>>>>>>> [OSEv3:vars]
>>>>>>> ansible_ssh_user=root
>>>>>>> deployment_type=origin
>>>>>>> openshift_release=v1.5.0
>>>>>>> containerized=true
>>>>>>> openshift_install_examples=true
>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_metrics_deploy=true
>>>>>>> # use htpasswd authentication with demo/demo
>>>>>>> openshift_master_identity.providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth',
>>>>>>> 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 
>>>>>>> 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider',
>>>>>>> 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]
>>>>>>> openshift_master_htpasswd_users={'demo':
>>>>>>> # put the router on dedicated infra node
>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_router_selector='region=infra'
>>>>>>> openshift_master_default_subdomain=apps.test.com
>>>>>>> # put the image registry on dedicated infra node
>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_registry_selector='region=infra'
>>>>>>> #.project pods should be placed on primary nodes
>>>>>>> osm_default_node_selector='region=primary'
>>>>>>> [masters]
>>>>>>> master-home.test.com openshift_public_hostname="master-home.test.com
>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>> [nodes]
>>>>>>> # master needs to be included in the node to be configured in the SDN
>>>>>>> # master-home.test.com
>>>>>>> master-home.test.com openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra',
>>>>>>> 'zone': 'default'}"
>>>>>>> node1-home.test.com openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary',
>>>>>>> 'zone': 'default'}"
>>>>>>> node2-home.test.com openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary',
>>>>>>> 'zone': 'default'}"
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> users mailing list
>>>>>>> users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
>>>>>>> http://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshiftmm/listinfo/users
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Ben Parees | OpenShift
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> users mailing list
>>>>> users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
>>>>> http://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshiftmm/listinfo/users
>> --
>> Ben Parees | OpenShift

Ben Parees | OpenShift
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