I have a test environment that was recently upgraded to Openshift Origin 1.5
from 1.3. During the upgrade I enabled namspaces for security and to iron
out the wrinkles to eventually roll namespaces into production. The test
environment has a single master and node with the master typically
unschedulable. The idea was to evacuate the pods on the node and have them
up on the master, so I set --schedulable=true on the master, then evacuated
the pods and enabled namespaces on the node. However, when I checked after a
while, the pods were not running on the master and they seem to have
disappeared all together.

My question is: 1. Was there something I needed to do prior to evacuating
the pods that would allow them to restart on the master? And 2. Is there a
way to migrate individual pods to different nodes/masters in the event I
need to do something like that in order to get namespaces enabled?

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