Dnia Piątek, 9 Czerwca 2017 12:50 Jens Geiregat <jens.geire...@gmail.com> napisał(a)

Hi Marcin,

I asked part 2 of your question here some time ago. Check out Ben Parees' answer and my answer to him here: http://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshift-archives/users/2017-February/msg00065.html We've been using the binary build since then and it works great.
Thanks Jens! "My" Google doesn't seem to like that article - the one from July 2015 is much higher on the list. Thanks to the link (https://blog.openshift.com/binary-input-sources-openshift-3-2/) and your sample configuration I was able to follow the process and it is really handy for my approach.
Kind Regards,


On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Marcin Zajączkowski <msz...@wp.pl> wrote:
Hi. I'm evaluating OpenShift 3 to use it in my CI/CD infrastructure (I have just some past experience with OpenShift 2). Currently Jenkins builds fat-jars (Spring Boot) and deploy it to Nexus. Later on in the pipeline they are deployed to test environment and some smoke testing is run. I would like to have those &#xB5;services deployed in OpenShift to have better resource utilization - there are ~200 different &#xB5;services and usually there are 0 to 60 deployed on test environment in the
same time. Having one big instance or manual sharding is quite problematic. fat-jars are already build and I just need to deploy it (no pipelines on the OS part, etc.). Therefore, I have two questions.

Technically, currently I have a Git repo with Dockerfile extending a fabric8/java-alpine-openjdk8-jdk image, exposing a port and downloading a JAR from Nexus (built with a docker strategy). It works in general, however, it seems to be quite generic solution. I could probably also create a custom imagestream based on aforementioned image and create different services with a JAR passed as an environment.

1. What do you thing in general about the idea to use OpenShift just for scaling up and down a number of total service instances (to reduce resource utilization)? Can OpenShift be easily used for that or maybe you see some caveats?
2. What is the easiest (or recommended) way just deploy a binary fat-jar to OpenShift (as described in my case)?


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