BTW If I would like to expose my registry to the outside world, would
executing the following command just do the job? I'm trying to expose the
registry via...

oc expose svc/docker-registry --hostname=

...but connecting to gives me Connection Refused.
I missed some steps here? :)

śr., 12 lip 2017 o 15:57 użytkownik Henryk Konsek <>

> Many thanks. Integrated registry is exactly what I need and works like a
> charm :) .
> czw., 29 cze 2017 o 11:59 użytkownik Maciej Szulik <>
> napisał:
>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 11:53 AM, Frederic Giloux <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Henryk
>>> If I correctly understand your use case I think that the easiest way is
>>> to create an imagestream foo and to use the pull-through feature:
>>> Regards,
>>> Frédéric
>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 11:29 AM, Henryk Konsek <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> What would be the easiest way to start Docker Registry in OpenShift
>>>> Origin and tell OpenShift to look up for Docker images in it?
>>>> What I would like to achieve is that when I execute "oc new-app foo",
>>>> OpenShift will try to look up for "foo" image in my local Origin registry
>>>> and then in DockerHub.
>> Just install the integrated registry and all you're asking for will be
>> there:
>> --
> Henryk Konsek
Henryk Konsek
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