
I tried with view and cluster-admin too. No luck

Guess is the curl issue


> El 19 oct 2017, a las 21:40, Luke Meyer <lme...@redhat.com> escribió:
>> On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> wrote:
>> yes ofc
>> oc create serviceaccount icinga -n project1
>> oadm policy add-cluster-role-to-user admin 
>> system:serviceaccounts:project1:icinga
> There is no cluster role "admin" (... by default anyway, you could of course 
> create one).
> You probably wanted `oc policy add-role-to-user admin ...` to make the user 
> an admin of the project.
> Unless you actually wanted them to be an admin of the entire cluster, in 
> which case the role is cluster-admin not admin.
>> oadm policy reconcile-cluster-roles —confirm
>> and then dump the token
>> oc serviceaccounts get-token icing
>> ty frederic!
>> i do login with curl but i get 
>> {
>>   "kind": "Status",
>>   "apiVersion": "v1",
>>   "metadata": {},
>>   "status": "Failure",
>>   "message": "User \"system:serviceaccount:project1:icinga\" cannot list 
>> replicationcontrollers in project \”project1\"",
>>   "reason": "Forbidden",
>>   "details": {
>>     "kind": "replicationcontrollers"
>>   },
>>   "code": 403
>> }
>>> El 19 oct 2017, a las 16:55, Frederic Giloux <fgil...@redhat.com> escribió:
>>> Hi Julio, 
>>> Could you copy the commands you have used?
>>> Regards, 
>>> Frédéric 
>>>> On 19 Oct 2017 11:43, "Julio Saura" <jsa...@hiberus.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> i am trying to create a sa for accessing rest api with token ..
>>>> i have followed the doc steps
>>>> creating the account, applying admin role to that account and getting the 
>>>> token
>>>> trying to access replicacioncontroller info with bearer in curl, i can 
>>>> auth into but i get i have no permission to list rc on the project
>>>> i also did a reconciliate role on cluster
>>>> i also logged in with oc login passing token as parameter, i log in but it 
>>>> says i have no projects ..
>>>> what else i am missing?
>>>> ty
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