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On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Rich Megginson <rmegg...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 11/02/2017 02:01 AM, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>> Noriko, That fixed it.
>> There was no filter-post-z-* file and the </label> and <label @OUTPUT>
>> tags were present.
>> After removing those tags and restarting the fluentd pods logs are
>> getting pushed to ES.
>> So the question is how to avoid this problem in the first place?
> Upstream logging is a bit of a mess right now.
> Some time ago we decoupled the configuration of logging from the
> implementation.  That is, we moved all of the configuration into
> openshift-ansible.  That meant we needed to either release
> openshift-ansible packages and logging images in absolute lock-step (which
> didn't happen - in fact we never released upstream logging images for 3.6.x
> - this is now being addressed - https://github.com/openshift/o
> rigin-aggregated-logging/pull/758), or we need to ensure that
> openshift-ansible logging changes did not depend on the image version, and
> vice versa (this also didn't happen - we released changes to the logging
> images that assumed they would only ever be deployed with a specific
> version of openshift-ansible, instead of adopting a more "defensive
> programming" style).
> This was a simple ansible install using this in the inventory file:
>> openshift_logging_image_version=v3.6.1
>> openshift_hosted_logging_deploy=true
>> openshift_logging_fluentd_journal_read_from_head=false
>> (note, the image tag for the ES deployment currently needs to be changed
>> to :latest for ES to start, but that's a separate issue).
>> On 01/11/2017 21:00, Noriko Hosoi wrote:
>>> On 11/01/2017 12:56 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
>>>> On 11/01/2017 01:18 PM, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>>>>> More data on this.
>>>>> Just to confirm that the journal on the node is receiving events:
>>>>> sudo journalctl -n 25
>>>>> -- Logs begin at Wed 2017-11-01 14:24:08 UTC, end at Wed 2017-11-01
>>>>> 19:15:15 UTC. --
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:23 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:23.286735   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for 
>>>>> /api/v1/configmaps,
>>>>> rv=1940 labels= fields
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:24 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:24.288497   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /api/v1/nodes,
>>>>> rv=6595 labels= fields= tim
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:29 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:29.283528   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /apis/extensions/v1beta1/ingresses, rv=4 l
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:36 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:36.566696   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /api/v1/pods,
>>>>> rv=6028 labels= fields= time
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:40 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:40.284191   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /api/v1/persistentvolumeclaims, rv=1606 la
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:43 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:43.291205   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /apis/
>>>>> authorization.openshift.io/v1/policy
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:43 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:43.348888   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /oapi/v1/hostsubnets, rv=1054 labels= fiel
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:47 master-1.openstacklocal origin-node[20672]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:47.255576   20672 operation_generator.go:609] MountVolume.SetUp
>>>>> succeeded for volume "kubernet
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:47 master-1.openstacklocal origin-node[20672]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:47.256440   20672 operation_generator.go:609] MountVolume.SetUp
>>>>> succeeded for volume "kubernet
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:47 master-1.openstacklocal origin-node[20672]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:47.258455   20672 operation_generator.go:609] MountVolume.SetUp
>>>>> succeeded for volume "kubernet
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:48 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:48.291988   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /apis/
>>>>> authorization.openshift.io/v1/cluste
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:51 master-1.openstacklocal sshd[46103]: Invalid user
>>>>> admin from port 17929
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:51 master-1.openstacklocal sshd[46103]:
>>>>> input_userauth_request: invalid user admin [preauth]
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:52 master-1.openstacklocal sshd[46103]: Connection closed
>>>>> by port 17929 [preauth]
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:56 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:56.206290   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /api/v1/services,
>>>>> rv=2008 labels= fields=
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:57 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:57.559640   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for 
>>>>> /api/v1/namespaces,
>>>>> rv=1845 labels= fields
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:59 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:59.275807   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /api/v1/podtemplates, rv=4 labels= fields=
>>>>> Nov 01 19:14:59 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:14:59.459554   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /apis/
>>>>> storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/storageclasse
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:01 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:15:01.286182   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /apis/extensions/v1beta1/replicasets, rv=4
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:06 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:15:06.270704   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /apis/
>>>>> security.openshift.io/v1/securitycon
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:06 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:15:06.290752   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /apis/batch/v2alpha1/cronjobs, rv=4 labels
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:08 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:15:08.330948   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /api/v1/services,
>>>>> rv=2008 labels= fields=
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:08 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:15:08.460997   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for
>>>>> /api/v1/serviceaccounts, rv=1909 labels= f
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:14 master-1.openstacklocal origin-master[15148]: I1101
>>>>> 19:15:14.286471   15148 rest.go:324] Starting watch for /apis/
>>>>> rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1/ro
>>>>> Nov 01 19:15:15 master-1.openstacklocal sudo[46140]: centos :
>>>>> TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/centos ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl -n 25
>>>>> So why is the fluentd running on that node not picking up these events?
>>>> I think it has to do with this:
>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:47 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:49 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>> tag="kubernetes.journal.container"
>>>> That's very bad.
>>>> Noriko, what is the fix for the missing @OUTPUT section?
>>> I have 2 questions.
>>> In the fluentd pod:
>>>     oc rsh $FLUENTDPOD
>>> Do we have a filter-post-z-* config file in /etc/fluent/configs.d?
>>> # ls /etc/fluent/configs.d/openshift/filter-post-z-*
>>> /etc/fluent/configs.d/openshift/filter-post-z-retag-two.conf
>>> Also, how does the fluentd's configmap look like?
>>> oc edit configmap $FLUENTDPOD
>>> Does the configmap have <label @OUTPUT> as follows?
>>> 8<----------------------------------------------------------
>>> -------------------------------
>>>     <label @INGRESS>
>>>     ## filters
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-pre-*.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-retag-journal.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-meta.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-kibana-transform.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-flatten-hash.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-record-transform.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-syslog-record-transform.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-viaq-data-model.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-post-*.conf
>>>     ##
>>>     </label>
>>>     <label @OUTPUT>
>>>     ## matches
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/output-pre-*.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/output-operations.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/output-applications.conf
>>>       # no post - applications.conf matches everything left
>>>     ##
>>>     </label>
>>> 8<----------------------------------------------------------
>>> -------------------------------
>>> If there is no filter-post-z-* config file in
>>> /etc/fluent/configs.d/openshift, please remove </label> and <label
>>> @OUTPUT> as follows:
>>> 8<----------------------------------------------------------
>>> -------------------------------
>>>     <label @INGRESS>
>>>     ## filters
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-pre-*.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-retag-journal.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-meta.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-kibana-transform.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-flatten-hash.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-k8s-record-transform.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-syslog-record-transform.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-viaq-data-model.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/filter-post-*.conf
>>>     ##
>>>     ## matches
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/output-pre-*.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/output-operations.conf
>>>       @include configs.d/openshift/output-applications.conf
>>>       # no post - applications.conf matches everything left
>>>     ##
>>>     </label>
>>> 8<----------------------------------------------------------
>>> -------------------------------
>>> If you have the filter-post-z-* config file in
>>> /etc/fluent/configs.d/openshift and do not have </label> and <label
>>> @OUTPUT>, please add them.  (I don't think that's the case since the
>>> fluentd run.sh does not install filter-post-z-* unless <label @OUTPUT> is
>>> found in the configmap.)
>>> Thanks,
>>> --noriko
>>>>> On 01/11/2017 18:16, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>>>>>> Correction/update on this.
>>>>>> The `journalctl -n 100` command runs ON on the host but not inside
>>>>>> the pod.
>>>>>> The file `/var/log/journal.pos` is present both on the host and in
>>>>>> the pod.
>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 01/11/2017 17:28, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>>>>>>> So I've tried this and a few other variants but not made any
>>>>>>> progress.
>>>>>>> The issue seems to be that there are no journal logs?
>>>>>>> # journalctl -n 100
>>>>>>> No journal files were found.
>>>>>>> -- No entries --
>>>>>>> Even though:
>>>>>>> # cat /var/log/journal.pos
>>>>>>> s=8da3038f46274f8f80cadbf839d487a5;i=45bd;b=80a3902da560465e
>>>>>>> 8799ccf3e6fb2ef7;m=27729aac6;t=55cef2678535f;x=42fa04d62b52d49fsh-4.2
>>>>>>> And in the logs of the pod I see this:
>>>>>>> $  oc logs logging-fluentd-h6f3h
>>>>>>> umounts of dead containers will fail. Ignoring...
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/30effb9ff35fc74b9bf37ebeeb5d0d61b
>>>>>>> 515a55e4f3ae52e9bb618ac55704d73/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/39b5c1572e79dd2e698917a7116c6110d
>>>>>>> 2c6eb0a6761142a6e718904f6c43022/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/64c1c27537aa7441ded69a04c78f2f2ce
>>>>>>> 60920fa6e4dc628637a19289b2ead6a/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/7b8564902f011522917c6cffd8a39133c
>>>>>>> abb8588229f2836c9fbcee95960ac78/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/b85e6d1123da047a7ffe679edfb713762
>>>>>>> 67ef27e9525c7097f3fd6668acd110e/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/c02f10b8dcf69979a95305a76c2f570aa
>>>>>>> f37fb9c2c0cad6893ed1822f7f24274/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/c30c4f0f34b2470ef5280c85a6db3910b
>>>>>>> 143707df997ad6ee6ed2c2208009a70/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> umount: /var/lib/docker/containers/c67c4e5e89b5f41c593ba2e538671821b
>>>>>>> 6b43936962e8d49785b292644c4a031/shm: not mounted
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:42 +0000 [info]: reading config file
>>>>>>> path="/etc/fluent/fluent.conf"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: 'block' action stops input process
>>>>>>> until the buffer full is resolved. Check your pipeline this action is 
>>>>>>> fit
>>>>>>> or not
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: 'block' action stops input process
>>>>>>> until the buffer full is resolved. Check your pipeline this action is 
>>>>>>> fit
>>>>>>> or not
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:43 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:44 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:44 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:46 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:47 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:49 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="kubernetes.journal.container"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:51 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 16:59:52 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:01:02 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:02:30 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:06:04 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:10:01 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:14:01 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:18:06 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> 2017-11-01 17:22:09 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>> tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>> This is really a basic centos7 image with the only modifications
>>>>>>> done by installing the packages required by openshift and then running 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> ansible installer.
>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>> On 31/10/2017 18:15, Rich Megginson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Very strange.  It would appear that fluentd was not able to keep up
>>>>>>>> with the log rate to the journal for such an extent that the fluentd
>>>>>>>> current cursor position was rotated away . . .
>>>>>>>> You can "reset" fluentd by shutting it down, then removing that
>>>>>>>> cursor file.  That will tell fluentd to start reading from the tail of 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> JOURNAL.
>>>>>>>> If you want to try to recover everything in the journal, then oc set 
>>>>>>>> env
>>>>>>>> ds/logging-fluentd JOURNAL_READ_FROM_HEAD=true - but note that this may
>>>>>>>> take several hours until you have recent records in Elasticsearch,
>>>>>>>> depending on what is the log rate to the journal and how fast fluentd 
>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> keep up.
>>>>>>>> If you go the JOURNAL_READ_FROM_HEAD=true route, setting the env
>>>>>>>> should trigger a redeployment of fluentd, so you should not have to
>>>>>>>> restart/relabel.
>>>>>>>> oc label node --all --overwrite logging-infra-fluentd-
>>>>>>>> ... wait for oc pods to report no logging-fluentd pods ...
>>>>>>>> rm -f /var/log/journal.pos
>>>>>>>> oc label node --all --overwrite logging-infra-fluentd=true
>>>>>>>> Then, monitor fluentd like this:
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/openshift/origin-aggregated-logging/blob/
>>>>>>>> master/hack/testing/entrypoint.sh#L56
>>>>>>>> and monitor the journald log rate (number of logs/minute) like this:
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/openshift/origin-aggregated-logging/blob/
>>>>>>>> master/hack/testing/entrypoint.sh#L70
>>>>>>>> On 10/31/2017 11:57 AM, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>>>>>>>>> $ sudo docker info | grep -i log
>>>>>>>>>  WARNING: Usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for
>>>>>>>>> production use. Use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` to specify a custom
>>>>>>>>> block storage device.
>>>>>>>>> Logging Driver: journald
>>>>>>>>> WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled
>>>>>>>>> WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled
>>>>>>>>> $ journalctl -r -n 1 --show-cursor
>>>>>>>>> -- Logs begin at Sun 2017-10-29 03:04:42 UTC, end at Tue
>>>>>>>>> 2017-10-31 17:54:37 UTC. --
>>>>>>>>> Oct 31 17:54:37 worker-1.openstacklocal dockerd-current[6135]:
>>>>>>>>> {"type":"response","@timestamp":"2017-10-31T17:54:37Z","tags":[],"pid":8,"
>>>>>>>>> -- cursor: s=f746c7090d724f5ab0ece0d13683
>>>>>>>>> fc53;i=a54f2;b=93b6daa912044dd9ae9f05521c603efc;m=
>>>>>>>>> 55116ad995;t=55cdb72d7c92d;x=5a16032caedc4423
>>>>>>>>> On 31/10/2017 17:31, Rich Megginson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> # docker info | grep -i log
>>>>>>>>>> # journalctl -r -n 1 --show-cursor
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/31/2017 11:12 AM, Tim Dudgeon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks. Those links are useful.
>>>>>>>>>>> It looks to me like its a problem at the fluentd level. This is
>>>>>>>>>>> what I see on on of the fluentd pods:
>>>>>>>>>>> sh-4.2# cat /var/log/es-containers.log.pos
>>>>>>>>>>> cat: /var/log/es-containers.log.pos: No such file or directory
>>>>>>>>>>> sh-4.2# cat /var/log/journal.pos
>>>>>>>>>>> s=52fdd277f90749b0a442c78739b1efa7;i=50d69;b=2a3f1736a1a1486
>>>>>>>>>>> d83f95db719fdc281;m=5465b53fd1;t=55cdac4738846;x=85596f3f5f5a27e4sh-4.2#
>>>>>>>>>>> sh-4.2# journalctl -c `cat /var/log/journal.pos`
>>>>>>>>>>> No journal files were found.
>>>>>>>>>>> -- No entries --
>>>>>>>>>>> Which might sort of explain why everything is running but no
>>>>>>>>>>> logs are being processed.
>>>>>>>>>>> This is based on a centos7 image with only the necessary
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift packages installed and then openshift installed using 
>>>>>>>>>>> ansible.
>>>>>>>>>>> The logging setup in the inventory file is this:
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_deployer_version=v3.6.0
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_deploy=true
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_kind=nfs
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_access_modes=['ReadWriteOnce']
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_nfs_directory=/exports
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_nfs_options='*(rw,root_squash)'
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_volume_name=logging
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_volume_size=10Gi
>>>>>>>>>>> openshift_hosted_logging_storage_labels={'storage': 'logging'}
>>>>>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>>>>> On 31/10/2017 16:37, Jeff Cantrill wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please provide additional information, logs, etc or post the
>>>>>>>>>>>> output of [1] someplace for review. Additionally, consider 
>>>>>>>>>>>> reviewing [2].
>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/openshift/o
>>>>>>>>>>>> rigin-aggregated-logging/blob/master/hack/logging-dump.sh
>>>>>>>>>>>> [2] https://github.com/openshift/o
>>>>>>>>>>>> rigin-aggregated-logging/blob/master/docs/checking-efk-healt
>>>>>>>>>>>> h.md
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Tim Dudgeon <
>>>>>>>>>>>> tdudgeon...@gmail.com <mailto:tdudgeon...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>     Hi All,
>>>>>>>>>>>>     I've deployed logging using the ansible installer (v3.6.0)
>>>>>>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>>>>>>>     fairly simple openshift setup and everything appears to
>>>>>>>>>>>> running:
>>>>>>>>>>>>     NAME              READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-curator-1-gvh73              1/1 Running 24
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-es-data-master-xz0e7a0c-1-deploy 0/1 Error
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0          3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-es-data-master-xz0e7a0c-4-deploy 0/1 Error
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0          3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-es-data-master-xz0e7a0c-5-deploy 0/1 Error
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0          3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-es-data-master-xz0e7a0c-7-t4xpf 1/1 Running
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0          3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-fluentd-4rm2w              1/1 Running 0 3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-fluentd-8h944              1/1 Running 0 3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-fluentd-n00bn              1/1 Running 0 3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-fluentd-vt8hh              1/1 Running 0 3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     logging-kibana-1-g7l4z              2/2 Running 0 3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>     (the failed pods were related to getting elasticsearch
>>>>>>>>>>>> running,
>>>>>>>>>>>>     but that was resolved).
>>>>>>>>>>>>     The problem is that I don't see any logs in Kibana. When I
>>>>>>>>>>>> look
>>>>>>>>>>>>     in the fluentd pod logs I see lots of stuff like this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 13:53:15 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 13:58:02 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="kubernetes.journal.container"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 14:02:18 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 14:07:15 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 14:11:20 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 14:15:16 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     2017-10-31 14:19:58 +0000 [warn]: no patterns matched
>>>>>>>>>>>>     tag="journal.system"
>>>>>>>>>>>>     Is this the cause, and if so what is wrong?
>>>>>>>>>>>>     If not how to debug this?
>>>>>>>>>>>>     Tim
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>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeff Cantrill
>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat Engineering
>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenShift Integration Services
>>>>>>>>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
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>>> http://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshiftmm/listinfo/users
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>> users mailing list
>> users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
>> http://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshiftmm/listinfo/users
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> users mailing list
> users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
> http://lists.openshift.redhat.com/openshiftmm/listinfo/users
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