It would be useful to have a a more definitive description of what can and what can't be changed by re-running the installer.

On 21/11/2017 18:05, Scott Dodson wrote:
It really depends on the configuration changes you want to make whether or not you can simply re-run config.yml and get what you're looking for. Things like hostnames that get placed in certs and certain network configuration such as services and cluster CIDR ranges are immutable and cannot be changed via the installer.

As far as the health check goes, you should be able to disable any health check by setting the variable that's emitted in the error message.

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Alon Zusman < <>> wrote:

    I could not figure out how I can change the inventory file for new
    configurations and then Re-configure my current cluster.

    Whenever I re run the configure.yml in the byo folder, it checks
    again the minimal requirements and my /var is already less than
    40G after the installation.


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