Associated bz

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 4:45 PM, Seth Jennings <> wrote:

> Pretty sure this was fixed in this PR that went into 3.9.
> 66fab8c28b
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 12:49 PM, Tim Dudgeon <>
> wrote:
>> I believe I'm seeing a problem with using GlusterFS volumes when you
>> terminate a pod that is using a gluster backed PVC. This is with Origin
>> 3.7.1. I did this:
>> 1. create new project
>> 2. deployed a pod
>> 3. added a volume to the pod using  a gluster backed PVC.
>> 4. rsh to the pod and check the volume can be written to
>> 5. delete the project
>> After stage 3 the volume was working OK in the pod and the volume was
>> reported by hekati.
>> After stage 5 the PVC was no longer present, glusterfs volume was no
>> longer see by hekati (so far so good) but the pod was stuck in the
>> 'Terminating' state and the project did not get deleted. It looks like the
>> container that was running in the pod had been deleted. Even after one hour
>> it was still stuck in the terminating state.
>> Looking deeper it looks like the mount on the host on which the pod was
>> running was still present. e.g. this was still found in /etc/mtab:
>> /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/pods/51a4ef9e-44b4-1
>> 1e8-b523-fa163ea80da9/volumes/
>> d4eb2e-44b4-11e8-b523-fa163ea80da9 fuse.glusterfs
>> rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,max_read=131072
>> 0 0
>> Manually unmounting this mount resulted in the pod finally terminating
>> and (after a short delay) the project being deleted.
>> Looks like the cleanup processes are not quite correct?
>> Tim
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