Dear all,

Sorry if below issue is reported previously but I would really appreciate your 
help on this.
I have noticed one problem in my Openshift cluster (openshift v3.7.42) related 
to Glusterfs VGs deletion.
When I delete the a dynamically provisioned PVC, the PV bound to it is deleted, 
but the replicated VGs are not deleted from the disk. Normally we expect the 
VGs to be deleted also on the disks otherwise this will create a mismatch 
between the size reported by Heketi with the size that actually is available in 
the disks where Glusterfs VGs are located.
I believe that the correct behavior would be for the VGs to be deleted also 
from the disks so that the reported  VG utilization from Heketi would be the 
same as the one utilized in the disks.

If anyone has noticed such issue or has any idea that could help me solve this 
issue please feel free to reply.
Any feedback is welcomed 😊.

Have a nice day to all!

Kind Regards,
Arlind Qirjazi

DevOps/T3 Engineer

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