On 08/16/2018 05:42 AM, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:
Am 16.08.2018 um 12:48 schrieb Aleksandar Kostadinov:
Might be real nice to allow pod to request sockets created where different log
streams can be sent to central logging without extra containers in the pod.
You can run socklog/fluentbit/... in the background to handle the logging and
your app logs to this socket.

So you would need to configure your app to log to a socket instead of a log file?
Where does socklog write the logs?  Who reads from that destination?

Something similar as I have done it in my haproxy image.


echo "starting socklog"
/usr/local/bin/socklog unix /tmp/haproxy_syslog &

Jeff Cantrill wrote on 08/15/18 16:50:
The recommended options with the current log stack are either to reconfigure
your log to send to stdout or add a sidecar container that is capable of
tailing the log in question which would write it to stdout and ultimately
read by fluentd.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 2:47 AM, Leo David <leoa...@gmail.com
<mailto:leoa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

     Hi Everyone,
     I have logging with fluentd / elasticsearch at cluster level running
     fine,  everything works as expected.
     I have an issue though...
     What would it be the procedure to add some custom log files from
     different containers ( logs that are not shown in stdout ) to be
     delivered to elasticseach as well ?
     I two different clusters ( 3.7 and 3.9 ) up and running,  and i know
     that in 3.7 docker logging driver is configured with journald whilst
     in 3.9 is json-file.
     Any thoughts on this ?
     Thanks a lot !

     --     Best regards, Leo David

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Jeff Cantrill
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat Engineering
OpenShift Logging
Red Hat, Inc.
*Office*: 703-748-4420 | 866-546-8970 ext. 8162420
jcant...@redhat.com <mailto:jcant...@redhat.com>

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