I played with openshift a few revs back, but didn’t have the hardware assembled 
to be able to give it a full test.

Now that I’ve assembled the gear I (think I) need, I’m starting to walk through 
the instructions, and I’m finding some spots that I’m uncertain about.

most specifically (at the moment)

the overall environment has a /27 of public ipv4 space.
one unroutable/24 is for ‘generic lan user traffic’
one unroutable/24 is for ‘dmz devices’
I am using the unroutable network 198.18.100/24 for ‘openshift physical systems’
3 masters
3 nodes
I plan on sticking a vip for the masters on the ha firewall pair (pfsense) for 
the entire environment.

I was thinking that I’d have a (maybe more?) vip configured on the public space 
for the masters permitting access from the outside world to the workloads being 
facilitated through the cluster.

I doubt it prudent to make everything available externally by default,
Does it make sense to have one vip on the 198.18.100 network for node/master 
<-> node/master comms, and one vip on the public network for workloads?

This WAS my plan, but I saw the previous post from Gaurav today outlining his 
difficulties when having differing PublicMasterURL and masterURL variables 
configured, and thought that it might be wise to pause and ask for 
clarification and perhaps a touch of guidance before runnign down a 

Thanks in advance for any guidance or help.


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