Dan, are you using the latest from release-3.10 branch? I believe we've
disabled the IaaS interrogation when you've not configured a cloud provider
via openshift-ansible in the latest on that branch.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 7:38 PM Dan Pungă <dan.pu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've done a bit of digging and apparently my problem is precisely
> connected to the fact that I'm running the cluster on the OpenStack
> provider.
> Briefly put, the openshift_facts playbook relies on the
> openshift-ansible/roles/openshift_facts/library/openshift_facts.py script.
> This script uses the ansible.module_utils tools to discover the underlying
> system, including any existing IaaS provider with its detailis. In my case
> it discovers the OpenStack provider and when setting the hostnames, the
> provider configuration takes precedence over whatever I've configured at
> the VM level.
> In my case, I haven't properly set up the FQDNs/hostnames at the OpenStack
> level. Instead, after I've created and launched the instances, I disabled
> at the VM level the ability of the cloud provider to reset my hostname
> definition/configuration and I thought this would be enough.
> I guess I'll try a reinstall on a lab environment with the
> openshift_facts.py script modified so that it passes over the Openstack
> check and hope it does what I'd expect, which is to be agnostic to the
> type of hosts on which I install.
> I actually thought that the only way the OpenShift/OKD installer would try
> to integrate with a provider was if I'd specifically set the
> openshift_cloudprovider_kind variable in the inventory file along with the
> rest of the specific variables.
> Regards,
> Dan Pungă
> On 08.10.2018 18:44, Dan Pungă wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to upgrade a working cluster from Openshift Origin 3.9 to OKD
> 3.10 and the control plane update fails at one point with host not found.
> I've looked abit over the problem and found this issue on github:
> https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/issues/9935 where
> michaelgugino points out that "when upgrading from 3.9, your hostnames
> match the node names in 'oc get nodes' otherwise, we won't be able to find
> the CSRs for your nodes."
> In fact my issue is precisely this: the node names are in fact their IPs
> and not the hostnames of the specific machines. It was something that I saw
> upon installation, but as the 3.9 cluster was functioning all right, I let
> it be.
> The idea is that I (think) I have the DNS resolution set up properly, with
> all machines being able to resolve each-other by FQDNs, however the 3.9
> installer configured the node names with their respective IP addresses and
> I don't know how to address this.
> I should mention that the cluster is deployed inside an Openstack project,
> but the install config doesn't use OpenShift-Openstack configuration.
> However when running the
> ~/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift_facts.yml I get references to
> the underlying openstack(somehow the installer "figures out" the undelying
> Openstack and treats it as a provider, the way I see it). I've pasted the
> output for one of the nodes below.
> Has any of you come across this node name config problem and were you able
> to solve it?
> Is there any procedure to change node names of a working cluster? I should
> say that the masters are also nodes(infrasructure), so I'm guessing the
> procedure, if there is one, would have to do with deprecating one master at
> a time, while for the nodes with a delete/change config/re-add procedure.
> Thank you!
> Output from openshift_facts playbook:
> ok: [node1.oshift-pinfold.intra] => {
>     "result": {
>         "ansible_facts": {
>             "openshift": {
>                 "common": {
>                     "all_hostnames": [
>                         "node1.oshift-pinfold.intra",
>                         ""
>                     ],
>                     "config_base": "/etc/origin",
>                     "deployment_subtype": "basic",
>                     "deployment_type": "origin",
>                     "dns_domain": "cluster.local",
>                     "examples_content_version": "v3.9",
>                     "generate_no_proxy_hosts": true,
>                     "hostname": "",
>                     "internal_hostnames": [
>                         ""
>                     ],
>                     "ip": "",
>                     "kube_svc_ip": "",
>                     "portal_net": "",
>                     "public_hostname": "node1.oshift-pinfold.intra",
>                     "public_ip": "",
>                     "short_version": "3.9",
>                     "version": "3.9.0",
>                     "version_gte_3_10": false,
>                     "version_gte_3_6": true,
>                     "version_gte_3_7": true,
>                     "version_gte_3_8": true,
>                     "version_gte_3_9": true
>                 },
>                 "current_config": {
>                     "roles": [
>                         "node"
>                     ]
>                 },
>                 "node": {
>                     "bootstrapped": false,
>                     "nodename": "",
>                     "sdn_mtu": "1408"
>                 },
>                 "provider": {
>                     "metadata": {
>                         "availability_zone": "nova",
>                         "ec2_compat": {
>                             "ami-id": "None",
>                             "ami-launch-index": "0",
>                             "ami-manifest-path": "FIXME",
>                             "block-device-mapping": {
>                                 "ami": "vda",
>                                 "ebs0": "/dev/vda",
>                                 "ebs1": "/dev/vdb",
>                                 "root": "/dev/vda"
>                             },
>                             "hostname": "node1.novalocal",
>                             "instance-action": "none",
>                             "instance-id": "i-00000583",
>                             "instance-type": "1cpu-2ram-20disk",
>                             "local-hostname": "node1.novalocal",
>                             "local-ipv4": "",
>                             "placement": {
>                                 "availability-zone": "nova"
>                             },
>                             "public-hostname": "node1.novalocal",
>                             "public-ipv4": [],
>                             "public-keys/": "0=xxxxxxxxxxx",
>                             "reservation-id": "r-la13azpq",
>                             "security-groups": [
>                                 "DefaultInternal",
>                                 "oshift-node"
>                             ]
>                         },
>                         "hostname": "node1.novalocal",
>                         "keys": [
>                             {
>                                 "data": "ssh-rsa
> AAAA...........................................................
> Generated-by-Nova",
>                                 "name": "xxxxxxxxxx",
>                                 "type": "ssh"
>                             }
>                         ],
>                         "launch_index": 0,
>                         "name": "node1",
>                         "project_id": "2a2.........................",
>                         "uuid": "80bb................................."
>                     },
>                     "name": "openstack",
>                     "network": {
>                         "hostname": "",
>                         "interfaces": [],
>                         "ip": "",
>                         "ipv6_enabled": false,
>                         "public_hostname": [],
>                         "public_ip": []
>                     },
>                     "zone": "nova"
>                 }
>             }
>         },
>         "changed": false,
>         "failed": false
>     }
> }
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