> Oh wow, I figured we’d have to blow away the cluster to get the scaling
groups. Was most of the work on the masters? Because I presume you just
deleted the 3.6 nodes and recreated them in the scaling group?

The masters were ok (they are the only nodes not in a scaling group at the
moment), there weren't too many changes to make during the upgrade for them.

The majority of the work was getting the AMI just right so new instances in
a scaling group could join the cluster without any intervention from us.
There were a few bits of trial and error in getting the contents of
provisioning_vars.yml suitable for our cluster.

As the new node gets its configuration from a configmap on the cluster we
spent a bit of time getting that set up along with automating the
certificate signing requests so a node could be auto approved.
(I'm a colleague of Dave Conde by the way so we worked on it together)
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