curious if anyone can explain this one to me, I'm using ocp 3.11 and NFS as
persistence for my containers...

if I run the container as a Deployment I end up with
what looks like the correct permissions (e.g. arbitrary UID):

drwx------. 20 1000060000 nfsnobody 4096 Nov  5 10:29 alpha

however, if I run the same container as a simple pod I end up with
the USER as owning the files:

drwxr-x---.  3         26        26   41 Nov  5 11:29 lastone

i would have thought the pod would write with the same UID as the
deployment above.

I'm probably missing something simple here and any suggestions would be

*Jeff McCormick*
843-327-5754 / Dallas-Fort Worth
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