Hello all!
OKD-3.10 ships with Jenkins 2.107.3(I guess LTS version). Looking at the
Dashboard, there are multiple security vulnerabilities reported for both
the main version and for the plugins that are shipped with it.
I tried a simple upgrade on all listed plugins, but the result was that
some failed to work.
I've tried using the docker.io/openshift/jenkins-2-centos7:v3.11, so for
OKD 3.11, and I've managed to update all plugins with no conflict or
problem. The pipelines seemed to work fine until I discovered some
inconsistencies in my tests.
I have no idea where the problem lies, but I would like to know if there
is any reference with the matrix of versions for Jenkins and
Openshift-related plugins that both work well and are secure for OKD 3.10.
Thank you,
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