Hi Gerhard,
OpenShift uses by default the "ovs-subnet" SDN (software-defined network)
plugin. I think this is the only one supported with minishift. With the
"ovs-subnet" plugin, all Services are from all Namespaces reachable.
So all you need to do is creating a Service
for your Deployment/DeploymentConfig
The inside your cluster resolvable FQDN of your service ist always


Am Do., 18. Apr. 2019 um 07:33 Uhr schrieb Gerhard <gem...@web.de>:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to find out how docker-registry.default.svc is made. It is a
> service that is visible to all projects. If I want to build a similar
> thing how should I do that?
> I found
>     oc adm pod-network make-projects-global
> But that doesn't work on minishift because there is no multitenant
> plugin installed. But there is still docker-registry.default.svc, so
> there must be an other way to implement this.
> Can you tell what I have to read, to learn how to do this?
> Gerhard
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