Hi, its kind a hard to explain my problem but, i am trying to get to work 
network policy in OKD 3.11, but seems it doesn’t work as i it should. Is it 
working different way as in kubernetes?
I am using ovs-networkpolicy plugin.

The problem is related to  pod labels which seems doesnt work as they are 
documented in kubernetes doc. 

  *   podSelector:
              app: <name>

For example i have two projects A and B. In project A i have pod with label 
app: web and in project B i have pod with label app: db.
I have labeled project B with label project: B, and project A with label 
project A,  also labeled pods.
It still doesn’t work.

Now i create network policy which should be able to allow this access.

kind: NetworkPolicy
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
  name: allow-from-B-to-A
      app: web
    - from:
        - podSelector:
              app: DB
        - namespaceSelector:
              project: B

I read in documentaiton:
Only the v1 NetworkPolicy features are available in OKD. This means that egress 
policy types, IPBlock, and combining podSelector and namespaceSelector are not 
available in OKD.

It is working if i use only namespaceSelector so it allow access from specific 
namespace TO specific pod inside project, NOT from specific pod from another 
project to pod inside different project as i mentioned before.
I tried to allow access only using podSelector without namespaceSelector, but 
still without success.
Is there are any workaround or solution to allow/restrict access between 
different projects/namespaces specific pods labels?



Alexander Kozhemyakin
System Engineer, SRE

Tel: + 372 58167904

Bigbank I www.bigbank.ee<http://www.bigbank.ee/>
Riia 2, 51004, Tartu, Estonia

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