
1. As you wish. I'ld use the same runtime configuration for all nodes
2. Correct
3. Indeed

Note: setting openshift_use_crio_only would also prevent you from using
If you don't need these, you should be good to go.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 4:45 AM <cha...@ashoo.in> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am trying to setup a 3 Node cluster (master, node1, node2) with cri-o
> Engine (to use CNV). I need some guidance on creating inventory file
> regarding Node ConfigMaps . Below is my inventory file.
> 1. Should the master also use crio or just the nodes,
> 2. According to [1] , the nodes should node-config-compute as configMap,
> for crio should that be node-config-compute-crio ?
> 3. For master is the configMap node-config-master-crio ?
> Below is the inventory file that i have created. Need to verify if the
> below inventory is valid.
> [OSEv3:children]
> masters
> nodes
> etcd
> [OSEv3:vars]
> ansible_ssh_user=root
> openshift_deployment_type=openshift-enterprise
> openshift_use_crio=True
> openshift_use_crio_only=True
> [masters]
> master.example.test
> [etcd]
> master.example.test
> [nodes]
> master.example.test openshift_node_group_name='node-config-master-crio'
> node1.example.test openshift_node_group_name='node-config-compute-crio'
> node2.example.test openshift_node_group_name='node-config-compute-crio'
> 1.
> https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install/example_inventories.html#single-master-multi-node-ai
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Samuel Martín Moro
{EPITECH.} 2011

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