If muting alerts in Alertmanager is enough (eg they would still fire
in Prometheus), you could inhibit alerts in the Alertmanager

- target_match:
    alertname: KubeAPILatencyHigh
    alertname: DeadMansSwitch

On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 5:46 PM Tim Dudgeon <tdudgeon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The KubeAPILatencyHigh alert fires several times a day for us (on 2
> different OKD clusters).
> On 18/11/2019 15:17, Simon Pasquier wrote:
> > The Prometheus instances deployed by the cluster monitoring operator
> > are read-only and can't be customized.
> > https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install_config/prometheus_cluster_monitoring.html#alerting-rules_prometheus-cluster-monitoring
> >
> > Can you provide more details about which alerts are noisy?
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 2:43 PM Tim Dudgeon <tdudgeon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> What is the "right" way to edit Prometheus rules that are deployed by
> >> default on OKD 3.11?
> >> I have alerts that are annoyingly noisy, and want to silence them forever!
> >>
> >> I tried editing the definition of the PrometheusRule CRD and/or the
> >> prometheus-k8s-rulefiles-0 ConfigMap in the openshift-monitoring project
> >> but my changes keep getting reverted back to the original.
> >>
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