I have deployed OCP 4.3 on AWS.  I replaced the certs for the router with
wildcards from letsencrypt.  TLS from my browser and from apps in openshift
to the router are all working fine.  I deployed Jenkins using oc- new-app
jenkins-persistent.  When I try to login I'm presented with the "Login With
OpenShift" screen, I login and authorize Jenkins to access OpenShift on
behalf of me but then I'm stuck in a loop of the "Login With OpenShift"
screen.  Looking in the logs I see:

2020-02-04 18:48:29.870+0000 [id=18] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#populateDefaults: OpenShift OAuth:
provider: OpenShiftProviderInfo: issuer:
https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev auth ep:
https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev/oauth/authorize token
ep: https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev/oauth/token
2020-02-04 18:48:29.873+0000 [id=18] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#useProviderOAuthEndpoint: OpenShift
OAuth server is 4.x, specifically OpenShiftVersionInfo: major: 1 minor: 16+
gitVersion: v1.16.2
2020-02-04 18:48:29.873+0000 [id=18] INFO
Checking if HTTPS proxy initialization is required ...
2020-02-04 18:48:29.887+0000 [id=18] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#transportToUse: OpenShift OAuth got
an SSL error when accessing the issuer's token endpoint when using the SA
2020-02-04 18:48:29.893+0000 [id=18] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#transportToUse: OpenShift OAuth was
able to complete the SSL handshake when accessing the issuer's token
endpoint using the JVMs default keystore
2020-02-04 18:48:29.894+0000 [id=18] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#populateDefaults: OpenShift OAuth
returning true with namespace jenkins SA dir null default /run/secrets/
kubernetes.io/serviceaccount SA name null default jenkins client ID null
default system:serviceaccount:jenkins:jenkins secret null default
eyJhb....... redirect null default
https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev server null default
2020-02-04 18:48:29.915+0000 [id=18] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#getRoleToPermissionMap: OpenShift
Jenkins Login Plugin could not find the
openshift-jenkins-login-plugin-config config map in namespace jenkins so
the default permission mapping will be used
2020-02-04 18:48:30.051+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#populateDefaults: OpenShift OAuth:
provider: OpenShiftProviderInfo: issuer:
https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev auth ep:
https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev/oauth/authorize token
ep: https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev/oauth/token
2020-02-04 18:48:30.064+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#useProviderOAuthEndpoint: OpenShift
OAuth server is 4.x, specifically OpenShiftVersionInfo: major: 1 minor: 16+
gitVersion: v1.16.2
2020-02-04 18:48:30.064+0000 [id=16] INFO
Checking if HTTPS proxy initialization is required ...
2020-02-04 18:48:30.075+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#transportToUse: OpenShift OAuth got
an SSL error when accessing the issuer's token endpoint when using the SA
2020-02-04 18:48:30.079+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#transportToUse: OpenShift OAuth was
able to complete the SSL handshake when accessing the issuer's token
endpoint using the JVMs default keystore
2020-02-04 18:48:30.079+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#populateDefaults: OpenShift OAuth
returning true with namespace jenkins SA dir null default /run/secrets/
kubernetes.io/serviceaccount SA name null default jenkins client ID null
default system:serviceaccount:jenkins:jenkins secret null default
eyJhb....... redirect null default
https://oauth-openshift.apps.devopsdev.tremolo.dev server null default
2020-02-04 18:48:30.084+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#useProviderOAuthEndpoint: OpenShift
OAuth server is 4.x, specifically OpenShiftVersionInfo: major: 1 minor: 16+
gitVersion: v1.16.2
2020-02-04 18:48:30.084+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#newOAuthSession: OpenShift OAuth
using OAuth Provider specified endpoints for this login flow
2020-02-04 18:48:30.084+0000 [id=16] INFO
Checking if HTTPS proxy initialization is required ...
2020-02-04 18:48:30.095+0000 [id=16] INFO
o.o.j.p.o.OpenShiftOAuth2SecurityRealm#transportToUse: OpenShift OAuth got
an SSL error when accessing the issuer's token endpoint when using the SA

Any thoughts?

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