El Miércoles, 11 de Febrero de 2009, Geoffrey Mina escribió:
> Thanks for the input.  I did test the 408 scenario by disabling one of
> the asterisk systems.  I was connected properly and the one end point
> was removed from the pool.  I will run some more tests and analyze the
> debug info more carefully to see exactly what path is being taken.

Yes, in case there is no UDP response, after 32 seconds (T1 timer), OpenSIPS 
will generate internally a 408 response.

> In regards to asterisk as a PSTN gateway, it isn't acting as such, so
> I don't have to worry about that.  The systems are simply providing
> end point IVR functionality.  Asterisk will ALWAYS answer the call
> itself.

Easier then :)

> I will definitely add the 500 and 600 series errors to my failover
> handling.

I see no reason for including 6XX errors, they are "normal" negative responses 
instead of "errors".

> Excellent Input!!!

I would insist on the "ds_select_domain" usage in FAILURE_ROUTE which I think 
is wrong.


Iñaki Baz Castillo

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