On Friday 20 March 2009, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> That is strange - the detection at startup works, but failes at runtime
> ..
> Dan, any idea?

The report is confusing. That message can only be given if the dialog 
module is not loaded. So my guess is that after the dialog module was 
added to the config a different message was given, but it was not pasted 
here, instead he said it's the same message. However according to the 
code that cannot be. Also the report said another confusing thing about 
getting this when _not_ using mediaproxy. Unless the poster pastes the 
syslog entries here to have a proper report where we can see the real 
messages, I cannot debug this from descriptions.

The only thing which is wrong with the config is that it seems to call 
engage_media_proxy() for re-INVITEs, not for the initial INVITEs. The 
poster should read the documentation because it clearly describes how to 
use the function with examples. However doing so should not result in the 
error message he claims. It should most likely have no effect because 
it's too late for engage_media_proxy to do anything at that point.

> Regards,
> Bogdan
> slophoo wrote:
> > to answer this question:
> >
> > Do you get something like this at statup:
> >     engage_media_proxy() will not work because the dialog module is
> > not loaded?
> >
> > I used to get that message at startup until I included the loadmodule
> > "dialog.so" i do not get that at startup.  The error I get seem to be
> > only when I place a call and it's working through the routing.


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