Hi JayaPrakash,

Can you print here the output of the gdb backtrace?


JayaPrakash wrote:
> Hi All
> Opensips 1.5 is installed in CentOS. Presence is loaded with simple 
> configuration i.e. any one can see the presence status of any one.
> Presece, presence_xml, presence_mwi are loaded in order.
> When server is started, it is crashing when presence is loaded.
> pr 27 23:59:21 [6058] INFO:auth_db:mod_init: initializing...
> Apr 27 23:59:21 [6058] NOTICE:presence:mod_init: initializing module ...
> Apr 27 23:59:21 [6058] ERROR:presence:restore_db_subs: bad format for 
> stored sockinfo string
> Apr 27 23:59:21 [6058] ERROR:presence:mod_init: restoring subscribe 
> info from database
> Apr 27 23:59:21 [6058] ERROR:core:init_mod: failed to initialize 
> module presence
> Apr 27 23:59:21 [6058] ERROR:core:main: error while initializing modules
> Apr 27 23:59:21 [6058] NOTICE:presence:destroy: destroy module ...
> Below I have attached the configuration file.
> Please review it, and suggest me where the issue is.
> Thanks
> JayaPrakash

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