Ok, and how the inbound calls are affected by dispatcher:

1) Inbound calls to UA:
softswitch >LB> asterisk1 to asteriskn => opensips => opensips => UA



Uwe Kastens wrote:
> Hi Bogdahn,
>> I guess the problem is with outbound calls, right, as only there you do
>> use dispatcher ? or?
> No, its with the inbound calls. The outbound calls are routed correctly.
> BR
> Uwe
>> Regards,
>> Bogdan
>> Uwe Kastens wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am handling in and outbound calls with a different setup for
>>> loadbalancing and failover.
>>> 1) Inbound calls to UA:
>>> softswitch >LB> asterisk1 to asteriskn => opensips => opensips => UA
>>> 2) Outbound
>>> UA => opensips => opensips =dispatcher> asterisk => softswitch
>>> The handling for the outbound calls is working as expected.
>>> The handling of the inbound traffic fails, if the call arrives from an
>>> other asterisk, that would be choosen by the dispatcher list.
>>> I think this might happen because the reqeuest could not be matched with
>>> the TM module. The only thing that might work is to use
>>> preset_record_route an set the IP of the asterisk server, which delivers
>>> the incoming call.
>>> Anything that could help me beside that? Maybe dialog?
>>> BR
>>> Uwe

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