> 1. Init Route (new)
> A route to be executed at startup only - this will allow the script
> writer to load stuff from DB , to populate memcache-ul, so, to prepare
> the routing process. More or less you can do this first time load even
> now, but you need to check all the time if you already did it or not (if
> not yet loaded, load it now)...

I just wanted to say that I'd have a lot of use for this. I've got some
scenarios together with memcache and love it. However if/once you allow
using an external cache store, this need may disappear.

I had some other requests. I hope you don't mind me sticking them in here:
1. Something else I've mentioned (and I think I stuck on the tracker) is
that I think some of the module needs to be able to load arbitrary data
while returning rows. This is by far my #1 request. I feel like I'm always
playing tricks to do this different ways.

For example:
A. Trusted module should allow loading of AVPs based on trusted entry. An
example of use for this would be call limit for source IP. Another example
would be an "Account Code" Which would be inserted as a header when this
source IP is used. So maybe even the option to load multiple values.

B. DB Routing module should set an avp indicating WHICH rule # was used and
which Gateway ID # was used. Furthermore both the rule and the gateway
should allow setting custom AVPs. An example of this is: I only have 5
channels to 411. Or Gateway Id #100 only has 5 available channels. That's
actually really important since today, if Gateway Id #100 only has 5
channels, but gets picked first, I'll have to roll off it every time to find
out it's full rather than "smartly" skipping it. I'm sure there are more
examples of this.

The basic idea is that every module that "returns" a value should also
return some sort of primary key that was used for that value. Then it can be
logged into ACC. Displayed on logging "Sending call to Gateway #100"

2. Native combined CDR format. One row, start, answer, end, duration. Yes, I
know, not a B2BUA.. It'll have limitations, and a bit fat disclaimer and I'm
sure we'll have "that talk" again. :)

3. New DRouting fifo commands: route lookup, route count, route last reload,
route table dump (ek?). Sometimes it's good to know that what's in memory is
really what you expected. However, that's not very useful in production.

4. Memcache: cache_fetch should return time to expiry for retrieved

5. Memcache: full cache purge fifo option (not just 1 object, but

6. Memcache: partial cache purge (not sure how to do this. Idea is "Purge
all accountcodes" or "Purge all account limits" (to force loading new ones)

7. Dialog: dlg_list should show profiles dialog belongs to. The dialog table
(when db is used) should also show this.

That's it for now. As always, I appreciate everyone's hard work to make this
product what it is. Thank you!
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