On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:06 AM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
<bog...@voice-system.ro> wrote:
> So a proxy may account several BYEs, but the CDR generator has the duty
> in picking the right one - like searching for the first 200OK BYE, if
> not, picking the first non-200OK with a reply code that does not
> indicate a malformed BYE ( parsing, transaction, etc)..

Soooo.. Any chance of updating the SP for opensips-cp to do this? :)
Can I just look for an ACC event where method='BYE' sip_code = 200 and
((from_tag=v_from_tag and to_tag=v_to_tag) or (from_tag=v_to_tag and

I'm looking for "Smarter, but not perfect" for now. :)

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