Good morning everybody,
Thank you for the information!!

So my first problem is that dialogs are built even if I do not call the 
create_dialog() function or the setflag(4) that I have defined in dialog 

To answer your question, yes dialogs are being removed, but some of them are 
not, I think because of reasons below:

Each time I REGISTER:
If Contact header is used to match the dialog, if I rewrite it because of 
routing specific architecture in fix_nated_contact();, dialogs won't be removed 
even if I use modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 0) ?? Because dialogs are 
still there after the 200 OK like this dialog for REGISTER:
dialog::  hash=3917:871117747
        state:: 3
        user_flags:: 0
        timestart:: 1242029446
        timeout:: 11025
        callid:: jjolrfphvjri...@leonhart.interne
        from_uri:: sip:0213115...@
        from_tag:: pnvkk
        caller_contact:: sip:02131...@
        caller_cseq:: 554
        caller_bind_addr:: udp:
        to_uri:: sip:0213115...@
        to_tag:: as54366440
        callee_contact:: sip:02131...@
        callee_cseq:: 554
        callee_bind_addr:: udp:

Each time I unregister,I got an error:
        ERROR:dialog:populate_leg_info: bad sip message or missing Contact hdr
Indeed, my Asterisk servers are responding without a Contact header to 
unregister, keeping dialog data until timeout
and I thought dialog module didn't need it for matching the dialog!

Thank you

-- --

Le Saturday 09 May 2009 10.59:18 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu, vous avez écrit :
> Hi Marc,
> It is normal to increase as it is an absolute timestamp - see my prev 
> email on this thread.
> Regarding the shm mem - do you see the dialogs actually being removed?
> Regards,
> Bogdan
> Marc Leurent wrote:
> > Sorry for the 3rd email.. but I think it's interesting, because the dialog 
> > timeout of my transactions seems to increase with OpenSIPs uptime!
> > So my shm memory increase all the time. Does any one have the same problem 
> > with OpenSIPs 1.5.1?
> > Thanks
> >
> > opensipsctl fifo dlg_list | grep timeout | sort -nr
> >         timeout:: 20395
> >         timeout:: 20340
> >         timeout:: 20285
> >         timeout:: 20230
> >         timeout:: 20175
> >         timeout:: 20120
> >         timeout:: 20064
> >         timeout:: 20009
> >         timeout:: 19954
> >         timeout:: 19899
> >     ...
> >
> > and just after
> > opensipsctl fifo dlg_list | grep timeout | sort -nr
> >         timeout:: 20450
> >         timeout:: 20395
> >         timeout:: 20340
> >         timeout:: 20285
> >         timeout:: 20230
> >         timeout:: 20175
> >         timeout:: 20120
> >         timeout:: 20064
> >         timeout:: 20009
> >         timeout:: 19954
> >         timeout:: 19899
> >     ...
> >
> > PS: I'm using
> > opensips -V
> > version: opensips 1.5.1-notls (x86_64/linux)
> > MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535
> > poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.
> > svnrevision: unknown
> > @(#) $Id: main.c 5469 2009-03-18 12:43:10Z bogdan_iancu $
> > main.c compiled on 19:03:00 Apr 30 2009 with gcc 4.1.2
> >
> >
> > Le Friday 08 May 2009 13.06:18 Marc Leurent, vous avez écrit :
> >   
> >> Hello all, I have juste a small question about the dialog module, I have 
> >> set the parameters below for OpenSIPs dialog module with a 
> >> "default_timeout",  to 3 hours,
> >>
> >> # ----- dialog params -----
> >> modparam("dialog", "enable_stats", 1)                           # If the 
> >> statistics support should be enabled or not.
> >> #modparam("dialog", "hash_size", 4096)                          # The size 
> >> of the hash table internally used to keep the dialogs.
> >> modparam("dialog", "rr_param", "did")                           # Name of 
> >> the Record-Route parameter to be added with the dialog cookie.
> >> modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag", 4)                               # Flag to 
> >> be used for marking if a dialog should be constructed for the current 
> >> request.
> >> #modparam("dialog", "buy_on_timeout_flag", 6)                   # Message 
> >> falg to be set if you want the dialog module to automatically send BYE 
> >> requests (in both directions) when the dialog give timeout.
> >> #modparam("dialog", "timeout_avp", "$avp(i:10)")                # The 
> >> specification of an AVP to contain a custom timeout (in seconds) for the 
> >> dialog.
> >> modparam("dialog", "default_timeout", 10800)                    # The 
> >> default dialog timeout (in seconds) if no custom one is set.
> >> #modparam("dialog", "dlg_extra_hdrs", "Hint: credit expired\r\n")       # 
> >> A string containing the extra headers to be added in the requests generated
> >> modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 0)                         # The 
> >> match is done exclusively based on DID;
> >> modparam("dialog", "db_url", 
> >> "mysql://opensips:uwefwefwef...@localhost/opensips")
> >> modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1)                                # Describe 
> >> how to push into the DB the dialogs' information from memory.
> >> modparam("dialog", "db_update_period", 30)                      # The 
> >> interval (seconds) at which to update dialogs' information if you chose to 
> >> store.
> >> #modparam("dialog", "profiles_with_value", "caller ; my_profile")       # 
> >> List of names for profiles with values.
> >> #modparam("dialog", "profiles_no_value", "inbound ; outbound")          # 
> >> List of names for profiles without values.
> >>
> >> but I have some dialogs that have a superior timeout like this one..
> >> Have you got any idea how to see where this timeout is defined and how to 
> >> force it to a lower value!
> >> Because of this, I reach my "snmpstats", "dlg_minor_threshold", 900 very 
> >> quickly
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> dialog::  hash=1768:1584216798
> >>         state:: 3
> >>         user_flags:: 0
> >>         timestart:: 1241777705
> >>         timeout:: 16267
> >>         callid:: zaltktgtpqzd...@leonhart.interne
> >>         from_uri:: sip:0213115...@
> >>         from_tag:: ooctt
> >>         caller_contact:: sip:0213115...@
> >>         caller_cseq:: 960
> >>         caller_route_set::
> >>         caller_bind_addr:: udp:
> >>         to_uri:: sip:0213115...@
> >>         to_tag:: as79ae919b
> >>         callee_contact:: sip:0213115...@
> >>         callee_cseq:: 960
> >>         callee_route_set::
> >>         callee_bind_addr:: udp:
> >>
> >>
> >>     
> >
> >
> >   

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