On 08 May 2009, at 20:14, Totally Useless wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is possible, maybe that's why I am having such a
> hard time with it..
> I am trying to run MediaProxy on Debian 5.0 in an OpenVZ container.
> On my OpenVZ controller, I added "iptable_nat" to the IPTABLES list  
> and
> /etc/init.d/vz restarted
> When trying to start MediaProxy, I get:
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]: Starting MediaProxy  
> Relay
> 2.3.4
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]: Set resource limit for
> maximum open file descriptors to 11000
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]: fatal error: failed to
> create MediaProxy Relay: No such file or directory
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]: Traceback (most recent
> call last):
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]: --- <exception caught
> here> ---
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:   File
> "/usr/bin/media-relay", line 58, in <module>
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:     relay =  
> MediaRelay()
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/mediaproxy/relay.py", line 340, in
> __init__
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:      
> self.session_manager
> = SessionManager(self, Config.port_range.start, Config.port_range.end)
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:   File
> "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py", line
> 601, in __init__
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:     self.watcher =
> _conntrack.ExpireWatcher()
> May  8 17:59:23 mediaproxy01 media-relay[472]:
> mediaproxy.interfaces.system._conntrack.Error: No such file or  
> directory
> Any idea what this is caused from?  Not much help on Google for that
> error...

Indeed, it looks like it has a problem opening the netfilter-conntrack  
socket. Could you try using the userspace conntrack tool, for example  
performing "sudo conntrack -L" to list the connection tracking  
entries? Perhaps some modules are not installed automatically.

Also, I'm not entirely sure if you should be running the relay inside  
a virtual machine. For testing purposes it should be fine, but  
realtime media traffic probably does not flow well through a  
virtualized host.

Ruud Klaver
AG Projects

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