Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:

> 2009/5/11 Alex Balashov <abalas...@evaristesys.com>:
>> It sounds like the CANCEL with the To-tag should have a Route header as
>> well in order for it to be processed like any other sequential/in-dialog
>> request -- that is to say, under loose_route().
> But it would be incorrect anyway. A CANCEL for an initial-INVITE
> shouldn't have To tag since the CANCEL must end the whole UAC
> transaction, not just an early-dialog.

Agreed, but I think the more harmless approach would be for the To tag 
issue to be ignored by the proxy and passed to the receiving UA to deal 

>> Or, the CANCEL is intended for OpenSIPS itself, in which case it should
>> not have a To-tag.
> The CANCEL is always for OpenSIPS since CANCEL is hop by hop.

Well, true.  I meant a stateless vs. stateful CANCEL -- which also 
changes the domain destination of the RURI.

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
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