hi server monitor,

    This error is becos of the python-mysqldb which you are using doesn't
support the kind of stream data you are trying to send. If the
python-mysqldb(which supports and clears the following errors)  is upgraded
there is a reconnect error. i am yet to find the solution for this. if you
find the solution please let me know.

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:14 AM, server monitor <
sms.server.monitor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All, testing a new OpenSips(1.6.0dev0-notls (i386/linux) and OpenXCAP
> Server using xcapclient and contained examples.
> pres-rules PUT looks good:
> [r...@y examples]# xcapclient -i pres-rules.xml put
> put http://x.y.com/xcap-root/pres-rules/users/sip:8888888...@x.y.com/index
> 200 OK
> etag: "110ff8cd75ce541886107061f70c36ff"
> content-type: application/auth-policy+xml
> pres-rules GET returns the following error:
> [r...@y examples]# xcapclient --app pres-rules get
> get http://x.y.com/xcap-root/pres-rules/users/sip:8888888...@x.y.com/index
> 500 Internal Server Error
> content-type: text/plain
> content-length: 96
> An error occurred while processing the request. More information is
> available in the server log.
> Log trace:
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: 'GET
> /xcap-root/pres-rules/users/sip:8888888...@x.y.com/index HTTP/1.1' 500 0
> 96 'python-xcaplib/1.0.9' -
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: RESPONSE headers:
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011Content-Type:
> text/plain
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: TRACEBACK (most recent
> call last):
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/base.py", line 1137, in
> mainLoop
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011
> self.runUntilCurrent()
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/base.py", line 729, in
> runUntilCurrent
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011    f(*a, **kw)
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 243, in
> callback
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011
> self._startRunCallbacks(result)
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 312, in
> _startRunCallbacks
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011
> self._runCallbacks()
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011--- <exception caught
> here> ---
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 328, in
> _runCallbacks
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011    self.result =
> callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/xcap/resource.py", line 47, in
> sendResponse
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011    response =
> http.Response(response.code, stream=response.data)
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011  File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/web2/http.py", line 109, in
> __init__
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011    self.stream =
> IByteStream(stream)
> May 20 07:07:55 localhost openxcap[8994]: error: #011exceptions.TypeError:
> ('Could not adapt', array('c', '<?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n<ruleset xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy"
> xmlns:pr="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pres-rules" xmlns:cp="
> www.counterpath.com/privacy-lists">\r\n<rule
> id="pres_whitelist">\r\n<conditions>\r\n<identity>\r\n<one id="
> sip:b...@example.com <sip%3a...@example.com>"/>\r\n<one id="
> sip:al...@example.com <sip%3aal...@example.com>"/>\r\n<many domain="
> ag-projects.com">\r\n</many>\r\n</identity>\r\n</conditions>\r\n<actions>\r\n<pr:sub-handling>allow</pr:sub-handling>\r\n</actions>\r\n<transformations>\r\n<pr:provide-services>\r\n<pr:all-services/>\r\n</pr:provide-services>\r\n<pr:provide-persons>\r\n<pr:all-persons/>\r\n</pr:provide-persons>\r\n<pr:provide-devices>\r\n<pr:all-devices/>\r\n</pr:provide-devices>\r\n<pr:provide-all-attributes/>\r\n</transformations>\r\n</rule>\r\n<rule
> id="pres_blacklist">\r\n<conditions>\r\n<identity>\r\n<one id="
> sip:40316600...@abc.com 
> <sip%3a40316600...@abc.com>"/>\r\n</identity>\r\n</conditions>\r\n<actions>\r\n<pr:sub-handling>block</pr:sub-handling>\r\n</actions>\r\n<transformations/>\r\n</rule>\r\n</ruleset>'),
> <InterfaceClass twisted.web2.stream.IByteStream>)
> Thanks for any clues,
> Rob
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Thanking You,
Ashwini BR Naidu
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