
Couple of questions as I'm setting up OpenSIPS for a charity and need
to pick some off the shelf tools:

1. I've watched most of the great new vids for the cp and actually
installed it, but looks like only rtpproxy is supported? (will double

2. What is the minimum opensips.cfg you need to drive everything from the cp?

3. What do you recommend for user prov and signup? SerMyAdmin is also
running, but I think that overlaps the OpenSIPS-cp?

4. Is the PostgreSQL driver as well tested as the MySQL one?

5. I would also like to put auth and DDI lookup in OpenLDAP. What are
your experiences of this?

6. Asterisk with res_config_ldap will be used for media as I maintain
it and wonder if there is a specific LDAP schema file for OpenSIPS?

7. Is CDRTool with Freeradius the way to go to track mins for audit purposes?

8. Should there be a seperate OpenSIPS instance for NAT and Media or
should the same server handle that?

9. I have the OpenSER book. Are the technologies and packages listed
in there still the best way to deploy a pure open source platform?

10. Can blacklists be in LDAP? I presume anything can as it's just a
lookup in a route workflow.

That's all for now ;-)



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