
cat radiusclient.conf |grep -v ^#|grep -v ^$
auth_order      radius,local
login_tries     4
login_timeout   60
nologin /etc/nologin
issue   /etc/radiusclient-ng/issue
authserver      localhost
acctserver      localhost
servers         /etc/radiusclient-ng/servers
dictionary      /etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary
login_radius    /usr/sbin/login.radius
seqfile         /var/run/opensips/radius.seq
mapfile         /etc/radiusclient-ng/port-id-map
radius_timeout  10
radius_retries  3
bindaddr localhost
login_local     /bin/login



Leon Li schrieb:
> Hi,
> What is your radiusclient.conf like?
> Regards,
> Leon 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Uwe Kastens [mailto:ki...@kiste.org] 
> Sent: Friday, 5 June 2009 7:28 PM
> To: Leon Li
> Cc: users@lists.opensips.org
> Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] No RADIUS traffic
> Hi,
> I do not have that login.radius on my system - I think its not used with
> opensips. I would say there might be an permissions issue. I can
> remember I had lots of trouble, cause I don't wanted to run everything
> as root:root.
> My setup looks like that
> seqfile         /var/run/opensips/radius.seq with
> -rw-r--r-- 1 opensips opensips
> and
> drwxr-xr-x  opensips opensips  /etc/radiusclient-ng
> BR
> Uwe
> Leon Li schrieb:
>> There is no such a file in the directory. Will it be generated by
>> radiusclient-ng?
>> Also, the radiusclient.conf shows:
>>> # program to call for a RADIUS authenticated login
>>> login_radius    /usr/local/sbin/login.radius
>> I checked /usr/local/sbin/login.radius, but it is only a dummy script.
>> How it can be changed?
>> Thanks,
>> Leon 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Uwe Kastens [mailto:ki...@kiste.org] 
>> Sent: Thursday, 4 June 2009 5:12 PM
>> To: Leon Li
>> Cc: users@lists.opensips.org
>> Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] No RADIUS traffic
>> Hi,
>> If I remember it correctly I had the same problem some day and it was
>> caused by wrong permissions on /var/run/radius.seq.
>> Just a guess
>> BR
>> Uwe
>> Leon Li schrieb:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am try to use RADIUS server. However, after configuration, I found
>>> there is no RADIUS traffic at all.
>>> Log shows:
>>> Jun  4 06:45:59  /usr/local/sbin/openser[396]: rc_avpair_new: unknown
>>> attribute 5
>>> Jun  4 06:45:59  /usr/local/sbin/openser[396]:
>>> ERROR:auth_radius:radius_authorize_sterman: rc_auth failed
>>> But nothing on RADIUS server end.
>>> OpenSIPs + radiusclient-ng on one box and RADIUS is on another.
>>> My radiusclient.conf is like:
>>> # General settings
>>> # specify which authentication comes first respectively which
>>> # authentication is used. possible values are: "radius" and "local".
>>> # if you specify "radius,local" then the RADIUS server is asked
>>> # first then the local one. if only one keyword is specified only
>>> # this server is asked.
>>> auth_order      radius,local
>>> # maximum login tries a user has
>>> login_tries     4
>>> # timeout for all login tries
>>> # if this time is exceeded the user is kicked out
>>> login_timeout   60
>>> # name of the nologin file which when it exists disables logins.
>>> # it may be extended by the ttyname which will result in
>>> # a terminal specific lock (e.g. /etc/nologin.ttyS2 will disable
>>> # logins on /dev/ttyS2)
>>> nologin /etc/nologin
>>> # name of the issue file. it's only display when no username is
> passed
>>> # on the radlogin command line
>>> issue   /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/issue
>>> # RADIUS settings
>>> # RADIUS server to use for authentication requests. this config
>>> # item can appear more then one time. if multiple servers are
>>> # defined they are tried in a round robin fashion if one
>>> # server is not answering.
>>> # optionally you can specify a the port number on which is remote
>>> # RADIUS listens separated by a colon from the hostname. if
>>> # no port is specified /etc/services is consulted of the radius
>>> # service. if this fails also a compiled in default is used.
>>> authserver
>>> # RADIUS server to use for accouting requests. All that I
>>> # said for authserver applies, too.
>>> #
>>> acctserver
>>> # file holding shared secrets used for the communication
>>> # between the RADIUS client and server
>>> servers         /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/servers
>>> # dictionary of allowed attributes and values
>>> # just like in the normal RADIUS distributions
>>> dictionary      /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary
>>> # program to call for a RADIUS authenticated login
>>> login_radius    /usr/local/sbin/login.radius
>>> # file which holds sequence number for communication with the
>>> # RADIUS server
>>> seqfile         /var/run/radius.seq
>>> # file which specifies mapping between ttyname and NAS-Port attribute
>>> mapfile         /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/port-id-map
>>> # default authentication realm to append to all usernames if no
>>> # realm was explicitly specified by the user
>>> # the radiusd directly form Livingston doesnt use any realms, so
> leave
>>> # it blank then
>>> default_realm
>>> #aarnet.edu.au
>>> # time to wait for a reply from the RADIUS server
>>> radius_timeout  10
>>> # resend request this many times before trying the next server
>>> radius_retries  3
>>> # local address from which radius packets have to be sent
>>> bindaddr *
>>> # LOCAL settings
>>> # program to execute for local login
>>> # it must support the -f flag for preauthenticated login
>>> login_local     /bin/login
>>> Any suggestion will be appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Leon
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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